WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

Dance Along
We Are So Back
Sunday, October 6, 2013
PBS/NPR, Is “Essential. ”Kids With Cancer? Nope. But, Barry Gave Corporation For Public Broadcasting $445 Million
"And why should they not praise Obama day and night! Priorities, priorities. Screw the Veterans, Barry wants good coverage from PBS and he's going to get it, at our expense. Help fund Children's Hospital, or such, instead. No, gotta keep his propaganda machine running, because since when does a kid do him any good? It's simple. Public media promotes the agenda. Dying kids with cancer, not so much. I guess the DNC MSM isn't enough, he needs radio Commie to air his bullshit. The democrat-socialist-commie propaganda machine must be oiled. Greased, bribed and paid for. I mean honestly, who besides toddlers and college professors actually watches PBS? Unbelievable. None of this has anything to do with fairness but everything to do with the narcissistic needs of the little emperor who cannot get anything right. He sucks, he has no humanity in him whatsoever. He is a self serving traitor, a legend in his own delusional narcissist mind. Sooner or later good people have to make a stand against tyranny. It better be sooner than later.
Hey, kids die every day, but propaganda is important. Why doesn't PBS talk about the non-essential people that are being furloughed? Remember only non-essential personnel were furloughed, like 97% of the EPA for example. So if they are nonessential, why do we even have
them in the first place? To f**k up industry, close mines, increase the cost of electric power and make companies pay for products that don't exist. It takes a lot of worthless assholes to do that stuff and the EPA has found them. A very logical question, why do we need an organization who's sole mission is to stop manufacturing, stop energy production, stop farming, and basically stop America? It's way past time to disband this organization of prosecute those responsible for ruining lives. PBS should not get our money. It's does nothing but push Hussein propaganda. The clown shouldn't be in charge of dispensing toilet paper in a federal building, let alone running this country. So why is PBS so essential to this moron? Essential because every weekend they are groveling for more money to "support their shitty programming". Just like all O'Dumbass organizations, they are pretty much a shell organization where the principles make plenty of money from the tax payers and those foolish enough to send them money, while kicking a healthy amount back to the DNC. Yep, PBS is giving the democraps exactly what their paying them for. They keep the propaganda going to brainwash ignorant Americans. PBS = Pure Bull Shit." MC
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