The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Friday, October 11, 2013

NBC Poll: Majority of Americans Say Barry “Putting His Political Agenda Ahead of What’s Good For The Country”

Poll Question:
Which of these is closer to your own view of President Obama’s actions and positions during the current budget disagreement?
" Holy shit, an NBC poll says that. Could it be the a little more of the population is finally waking the f**k up. I know it isn't much, but it's a start. I still see those 46% takers are still hangin' in there for the Pied Piper. Too bad 46% are still so stupid. Unbelievable that people still will stick up for this fraud and condone what he does. These are the same type of person who will tailgate you within a couple feet while you're going 70 on the freeway or park their shopping cart in the middle of the aisle while checking prices. They probably plan their entire day around watching the Kardashians or Real Housewives of Atlanta or Cribs, so they can see Jay-Z's or Snoop Dog's home. Their only news channel is BSDNC or one of the other alphabet stations. The 46% just love "Barry the Magic Negro". They are simply stupid and unaware. Brain dead idiots. 
You must remember there is a large percentage of democrap, leftist, libtards that do not believe any democrap can do wrong. They'll vote for their man even if he is convicted of a felony or has a freezer full of money, or doesn't pay his taxes, or molests an intern. The libtards love these fools
and keep believing everything they say. Barry's been putting his political agenda of destroying this country ahead of everything else for 5 years now. Just what gave it away? But, after five years, now they are beginning to get it? I just gotta call them dumb. I believe the way the country considers Jima Carter's Presidency 33 yrs later as a disaster, will pale in comparison to how Barry goes down years from now. So sad that so many still don't see it." MC

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