The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Monday, October 7, 2013

Boehner Can’t Give In To “Hostage Taking” By The Tea Party Says Chuck U Schumer

"Give it a break asshole. You are a bigger waste than 99% of D.C. Hey there Chucky, why don't you go eat shit and stop cracking our TV screens with your media addiction. This jackass libtard asshole and Reid are the two most disgusting wastes of space and oxygen in America. Along with McShame, Graham Crackers, King and others who agree with this communist. Schumer, like Durbin, like Reid, like Pelosi, like O'Barry, like Kerry, and all the rest of the f**king libtards holding power, are total wastes, not fit for anything except maybe to bring the nation down. It's time for pitchforks, torches, tar and feathers if you ask me. I think you'll find out Chuckie, that the mainstream is now Conservatives, not sell-out Republicans. The all knowing, all great Chuck U is certainly full of himself. Maybe you are admired by political hacks, commies, and bootlicker's worldwide, but here you're nothing but a big jerk, and nobody really gives a rat's ass what you're thinking or saying. Schumer and most Democraps are trying to blame their problems on the Tea Party. The Tea Party is for restoring America’s founding principles of Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government, Free Markets, and a balanced budget. I realize Democrats have no idea what a balanced budget is. They're scared shitless of us me thinks, so they have to destroy them before 2014. That's all this is about. They know the Tea Party has power and they know they can win elections, unless they can convince the country they are evil terrorists. UpChuck is just trying to deflect the fact that democraps are arming and financing real terrorists, hostage takers, drug cartels and mass murderers. And trying to play propaganda masters. Democraps are idiots that believe they are as clever as Goebbels. They fail at that too. Repeat the lie over and over until it is believed as fact.

The rats are about to lose, and by their squirming, are showing it, thanks to libtards like Chuckie. Chuckie, you're on the downside of a public outcry for the underhanded punishment tactics of your leadership, and deservedly so. The Tea Party is on an upswing thanks to the very corrupt, very vile, and dishonest democrap party. Hey Chuck U, the Tea Party is the American People. It's hostage taking to you, but it's taking back America to me. 

This will be a pivot point in history if Boehner and company withstand the pressure of the libtard ass kissing media, and all the loudmouths spewing hate from the Democrap Party. The majority of Americans realize this Democrap shutdown is one more unnecessary power grab by the Jackass Party. If people do not like what they receive in benefits or investment in this country in return for the taxes taken from their wages, they are really going to lose it if this ploy works and the debt
ceiling is vaporized. Foreign aid will reach numbers larger than the defense budget. We will gut our military to pay off the Muslim Bro's and Al Qaeda. There will be no accountability until the Fed cannot purchase any more US Treasury notes. Then watch as we blow past everyone with unmatched inflation. There will be other pivot points, but this is the starting point at which the spoiled libtard children are told no and tough financial responsibility becomes the rule of the land. I just hope and pray the Republican's have the intestinal fortitude to finish the job. If they hold the line they could end up as heroes. God Bless America, we need You now, more than ever." MC

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