The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tingles Blames NRA Members For Naval Yard Rampage Because Of Their Opposition To Gun Control

"Ah yes, Tingles continues to prove the only agenda with the left, no morals, no heart, no love of country. They are known to use tragedies to move their agenda, as proven throughout history. Hey Tingles, didn't take you long to start spewing. Did you just sober up? Yep, same old talking points. It's the NRA's and all law abiding gun owners fault again. I'm sure all three of your viewers agree. Damn Tingles how is this possible since DC has some of the toughest, if not the toughest gun laws in the country. I guess DC needs more gun laws? What a f**king moron. Libtard POS like you can't wait for another gun incident to scream for more gun control of law abiding citizens. Man how I wish that tingle up your leg was red ants. The dentist that put teeth in Tingles ass-hole should have his license taken away. Hey asshole, it happened in a so called gun free zone. Libtards don't believe in evil. There's no way to fix stupid. What a tool you are. You and Diane Frankenfinestein. You`re both delusional bat shit crazy SOB`s. The logic of the left at its best. The drink more water decree was probably more than this good child could handle.

I have a question, was the facility a "gun free zone"? I believe that it was. There is apparently a rule that military personnel cannot have weapons thanks to another great libtard asshole Bubba Clinton. Food Hood also allowed that muslim to murder unarmed people. It's Political
Correctness. The genuine, daily, perpetrators of "gun violence" are part of a protected class, and little is ever done about them. Instead, these privileged idiots in the media insist on blaming law-abiding, almost entirely middle-class citizens for unpunished violent urban crimes. Try as much as you want libtards, the NRA has nothing to do with this. Do we blame automobile manufacturers for drunk drivers? Not yet anyway. If the libtards have their way we probably will. Then why blame a man with many loose screws, a man who should never have received his clearance, and a man with documented violent tendencies access to a "gun free" zone. See, Tings, we can play this game too. The truth is that we still don't know much about how he came by those guns and what his possible motives might have been. When that becomes apparent then we'll laugh at your stupidity. Until then, STFU. It still amazes me how in the hell can a seething, vile, hate mongering asshole be allowed to verbally attack the majority of Americans on national TV and the network allows it?" MC

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