"Obama, Clinton And Biden Told Me", the start of more lying for sure. Scumbags, everyone of them. Obviously the mother of this brave American didn't know that if any of those 3 vile people's lips were moving that they were lying. It is beyond despicable what this regime has done, and it was even more despicable today to see democraps get up and walk out and not even listen to these grieving parents who just want the truth. I just can't imagine what it would be like to be sitting there on the stand and watch them walk out on me. If they left out of a sense of guilt it would be a hint of them having some bit of humanity. But I'm betting it was an intentional snub and a heartless show of contempt by these POS. They were probably doing what they were told by the communist shitbags in the Shite House. These assholes aren't legislators, they're propagandists, and not very bright ones at that. Issa should have had the Sergeant at Arms drag each and everyone of those cowards back into the room, tie them to their chairs and stuff an old dirty sock in each one of their pieholes. This woman has a legitimate complaint with the leadership of this country and should be heard. I guess they used all their concern with dead Americans with St. Skittles and all their pity with dead Americans' parents with Cindy Sheehan. They will see real contempt before this is all over. It's not possible to hate those assholes who walked out on this poor woman enough. It is not acceptable. I love this woman. She is everywhere fighting those responsible for the death of her son and seeking the truth that needs to be told by a lying, corrupt, treasonous government. Lives were lost and its been over a year and no answers. Nothing pisses me off more than Benghazi.
Walking out on the parents of heros that lost their lives for their country. But this is what these vicious beltway elites do. They are evil, destructive, soulless, sociopaths who always put political agenda first. Remember when we used to fight evil as a nation? We would go to the U.N. and expose the communist countries and the murders they committed, and the marxists would always
walk out just before we spoke the truth. Well, thats what these marxists just did. Hearing this heartbroken mother's plea, combined with that dreaded statement from Shillary, "At this point, what difference does it make?", just makes my blood boil. You can bet this follows Hillary everywhere she goes in the run up to 2016. She will come to know what difference it makes. Time is long overdue to bring back the sturdy oak, and commence with the hangings. Libtards are all about feelings, thei feelings. Other people's feelings, not so much. So pathetic. The only consolation I have over the despicable behavior of these people and everyone else in this scumbag administration is that they will get theirs, one way or the other. You soulless bastards who walked out, I hope you see Patricia Smith staring back at you when you look in the mirror tomorrow morning." MC
The names of the 15 worthless bastards that ought to be thrown out of office:
Carolyn Maloney
Danny Davis
Eleanor Holmes Norton
Gerald E. Connolly
Jim Cooper
John Tierney
Mark Pocan
Matt Cartwright
Michelle Lujan Grisham
Peter Welch
Stephen Lynch
Steven Horsford
Tammy Duckworth
Tony Cardenas
William Lacy Clay
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