WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Saturday, September 28, 2013
Christy Cream Blames GOP For Government Shutdown Possibility
"Hey Jackass, guess what, your toast. All you Rinos are toast. I'm so sick of these f**king Rinos. Typical Chrispy Cream Christie. Ever the Rino, takes the Democrap's attack and runs with it. What a Moron. Patriots like Ted Cruz don't want to shut down the government they want to defund Husseinacare. There is a huge difference, but the Rinos and Libtards are trying to trick the citizens into thinking that the GOP is the bad guy here and it is the libtard democraps that are. Can't wait to see this tub of liberalism lard float away never to be heard from again. Sorry Creamy, seems you're being groomed by the rinos and dems for the 2016 prez run. Can't believe a word you say anymore. And I won't vote for you either, even if you promised to fix government, because you lie, just like the rest of the libtards. You are the new DNC shill who will without a doubt, work to get Shillary elected and I'm not having none of it. What a sellout. Ted Cruz went 21 hours to try and save this country from this DNC healthcare fiasco. And you, you couldn't go 21 hours without stuffing your f**king face. Hey fatso, why are doctors fleeing New Jersey? Could it be this healthcare law, or maybe they are afraid they'll have to do Christie colonoscopy. Hey you POS, declare yourself a democrap and get it over with. We need to figure a way to get you Progressives out of the Republican party. I am sick of you Progressive RINOs! Wouldn't it be great to have 150 million Armed Conservative Patriots. Can you imagine what a standing army of 150 million willing and experienced Conservative fighters would do to the libtard's panties?
Highest property taxes in the US are in where? New Jersey. Ain't that right tubby. Nice job your doing there. Typical libtard state, run by a libtard govenor. Yeah, lardo, you are a libtard govenor hiding behind a conservative mask. What a coward you are. We see through you jackass. President you say, not on your life. Just keep flying the flags at half mast every time a hollyweird or rock
star dies you buffoon. How are the hurricane survivors doing? Still living in tents? Clean up that environment disaster called New Jersey yet? Keep towing the Hussein line tubby. Don't waste our time and your money thinking you have a chance in 2016. You might get the democrap nomination, but never the republican. Siding with Barry may get you votes in New Jersey, but it won't win you respect anywhere else. So bye, bye moron, unless you run as a democrap, you won't ever be president. Just stick an apple in this asshole's mouth. Stay in Jersey because your ass wasn't Born to Run." MC
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