The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Bwahhhh, Republicans Are Messin' With Me

"Have we ever had such a big f**king cry baby as a president in this country's history? Carter was an embarrassment, no doubt. But this guy is the worst. Enough of this kid glove shit. We don't want to just mess with you, we want to crush you like a cockroach that you are. Libtards think it's inexcusable to 'mess' with the boy emperor. Too bad. He does have the maturity of a 10 year old and needs to grow up. Doesn't this marxist realize that is why we have two or more parties in government, so we don't suffer under a dictatorship like the one he is trying to establish? Oh, but it isn't only Republicans who want to "mess" with little Barry. Putin and Assad have been doing a pretty good job, too.  What a total disgrace he is, a classless act. "You been messin' with me? You been messin' with me? 'Cause I heard t'ings, I heard t'ings." Raging Bullshit. 

This is a deliberate strategy. He is attempting to gain sympathy from his supporters who are to stupid to see through his act. This way he can use it to his democrap advantage in in the upcoming elections next year. He continues with his republicans hate me bullshit, not for his
Marxist, progressive ideas, but against him personally. All a ploy, playing the emotions of the low information voter. The thin-skinned narcissist is pissed the House had the audacity to target his unprecedented namesake healthcare monstrosity. Get used to it 0-hole. We The People have had enough of your shit. All decent Americans would love the opportunity to "mess" with him. Mental disorders are not attractive, but when the leader of the free world has several obvious ones, life is downright scary. If doing the right thing "messes" with you, you need to go home." MC

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