WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Monday, August 19, 2013
WTF, As Egypt Burns, Hussein’s At The Vineyard, And John "Traitor" Kerry Is Hard At It…Kiteboarding
"Remember when Republican Presidents were given shit by the Democraps for going to Camp David for the weekend? I do. Can you believe that picture. Did Lurch get them shorts from Barry or did he borrow one of Mooch's boob belts? Looks like a new line of swift boat panties designed and modeled by traitors among the U.S.A. Where is a Great White shark when you need one?Oh wait, sharks don't eat shit. If it's stuffed with caviar they might so there is still a chance. Can't we start charging these political elite assholes with 'Taking money under false pretenses'....? These people are f**king frauds.
Not to worry, McCain and Graham will handle the touchy Middle East stuff. Why can't all the world problems just go away so this administration can have fun? Geeesh! Can you imagine the
hell Bush and Condi would have endured if they had played while the Middle East burned? Des perception matter to Democraps any more? Or can they do whatever they want, whenever they want and rest assured the media will have their backs? If the media were to turn on these scumbags, they would get 10% of the vote. John "Traitor" Kerry is a f**king piece of shit traitor who got the job so he would quit whining. I cannot stand the sight of this miserable elitist bastard. Ahh, the life of a 'public servant'. Such leisure, luxury, and wealth to be enjoyed. So many suckers to take and lies to tell. They truly make their money off the labors of others, they create nothing but ways to make themselves more important and less responsible. They sure take leadership and country seriously, don't they?
After decades of hard diplomatic effort and gain in the Middle east go up in smoke in less than 5 years of Hussein's administration, our President and Secretary of State just smile their idiot smiles and can not even be bothered by what is possibly the worst diplomatic crisis we have seen since the Shah of Iran was overthrown. Everyone has their priorities, and in this administration nothing is more important than vacations. Barry and the Traitor parties on while Egypt burns and we have the wonder twins McCain and Graham openly, vocally, backing the barbarians. God help us. If I were engineering the end of the world I could not possibly do any better than the current situation we have. You have to realize their low-information voters and their radical base don't care about world events. Nothing happening "over there" has meaning to them, though it should. This will come back to haunt us, as we grow weaker, our opponents grow stronger, simply because they have a libtard worldview. It is a sad testament that we do more harm than good with these idiots in power now." MC
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