WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Sunday, August 25, 2013
Marty King III: Trayvon Martin Case Shows Us Skin Color “Remains a License To Murder”…
"This apple fell as far from the tree as it possibly could. I'm sorry Marty III, your father's dream is still unrealized and racial hatred still rules. And sadly, it's your own people who are at fault. And another race baiter is born, Marty III. What a POS you are, insulting your father's memory. I'm sure his dad is rolling over in his grave knowing his son now lives on the Democratic plantation. This was so predictable. A bunch of worthless POS wastes of life, going on an on about racism and civil rights while shitting all over Dr. King's message. Good job, way to not advance your culture. Stupid assholes.You are being judged by the content of your character, which is sorely lacking these days.Your race has fallen faster than a shooting star when it comes to responsibility and family values. And people like you, Rearend Al, Jesse Jackass, and white libtard Democraps are primarily to blame. Really sad that the black people do not know what his message really was because the profiteers have clouded over his words to make their fortunes. I think many of the older generation are shaking their heads while they watch the younger generation act out on anger manufactured by evil shits like Jackass and Sharpnuts. When I heard Uncle Al was leading the march, I knew it was doomed to racist chants.Victim has worked out well for them. It's sad that the majority of blacks don't understand that it's not the whites that are their biggest enemy but their own "leaders". And that goes for the panty waste in the Shite House too.
Sad to see that Marty III is just another racist black grievance monger. Perhaps if Trayvon didn't try to pound Zimmerman's face in, he'd not have caught the slug that put him down. I don't really see much racism there. Did Delbert Belton's white skin help make the two black kids think it was OK to murder him? If Delton had the means to defend himself, and killed one or both of those punks, would you call that a license to murder as well Marty III? How about Chris Lane ? No chance his whiteness had anything to do with it, even though one of the kids blogged about hating white people? Race baiters like Sharpnuts, Jackass, Marty III, and even Hussein and Holder, have done more to create racist violence than anything else I've seen in America. Thanks
assholes! Now countless disenfranchised black kids feel perfectly OK being openly racist, and even go so far as to beat and kill people on occasion. And the libtard media, progressive, elites and politicians make excuses for them. The very same people who turned the Zimmerman case into a race issue, when by all objective evidence, it didn't have a damn thing to do about race. MLK said in his dream, "Let people be judged by their accomplishments, and not by the color of their skin", but the Black leaders in this country have never believed in that. To them the color of the skin comes first, last, and everything in the middle. Even President O"Dumbass issued an "Executive Order" telling schools to overlook the bad behavior of black students because it is not their fault. Please, tell me, whose fault is it? The very last thing these parasite, race baitors want is their voting base to stop being helpless sheep and able to fend for themselves. It is not called the plantation of dependency for nothing. The peasants have no use for a king when they can do it themselves. The color on ones skin has become a license to claim eternal victimhood. Until they are exposed for the frauds they are, it will be the race baiters trying to keep the racism dream alive." MC
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