The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Israeli Press Says John "Traitor" Kerry Is “Clueless”. But We Knew That.

"Not since the days of Jehnjis Khan has there been such audacity by a press corps. Don't they know Lurch served in Vietnam? Yes, he served in Vietnam, and later he served in Paris and on the streets of America on behalf of the Viet Cong. So he really is a unique soldier in the style of Benedict Arnold. Hey Israel, we got a few more descriptions for John "Lurch" Kerry, like traitor, liar, pussy, faker, coward, however, we like your description of him as well. Good for you for noticing this from the beginning. I would guess there goes any chance of having his super yacht park its ass in a luxury Israeli marina? 

This lame brained idiot is a world-class jerk. If he and Hillarious were to have a child together, it would look just like O'Jackass. Lurch comes on the scene thinking he can make peace. He thinks
once they hear his voice and see his horse face they will agree with him. He thinks he is the big kahuna. Problem is, he is worse that all of his predecessors except Clinton. Palestinians will never live peacefully next to anyone but the Traitor doesn't get it. 

Massachusetts can sure produce some worthless jack wagon losers can't they. Barney Franks, Elizabeth Warren, Ted Kennedy and a couple more of the Kennedy's, their fine governor and then traitor John. Little Lord Ketchup is the ultimate in morons. Don't say much for the people who vote these morons into office does it? We Americans know it and the Israelis know it. So you gotta know the rest of the world know's John "Traitor" Kerry is clueless. And the Israeli's know one thing for sure, never trust a traitor who is now doing the talking points for the country that he betrayed years ago." MC

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