The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Surprise: Mosque’s Are Off-Limits To Hussein’s Snooping…

It's what you can expect from a Muslim president. They were never watching Muslims, just Americans. Hussein was raised as a Muslim in Indonesia. He has always been sympathetic to Muslims. We are paying the price. This isn't rocket science folks, he is a Muslim, so he respects Muslim's rights in a mosque. Also, that's why we are classified as the enemy as conservatives not the Muslim terrorists. The Muslims got their man. They got their Muslim terrorist, I mean president. We should have known that when he made that speech that said Muslims had a part in American history. I knew it when I heard his full name Barack Hussein Obama. 

And just when I thought I couldn't get any angrier about this. Hussein and Holder believe everyone's fundamental rights are on the table to be traded for "a little security". Except Muslims. Anyone wanna bet Christian churches are fair game ? Just sayin'. So again the Muslims are catered to and the average tax paying citizen penalized, the christians in this country penalized, the military what will happen to them under this admin? Well, Hussein is threatening to veto a new bill if it contains a religious protection amendment for members of the military. This
Islamist/Muslim POS president has an axe to grind with Christianity it appears. This president has repeatedly called for protection of Muslims while Christians are being slaughtered byMuslims worldwide. Something is very wrong with this picture. What is wrong is the prez is a f**king Muslim. But...but...but...Hussein has Christian faith. He said so. Would he lie? No mistake here, Hussein's focus is on his true terrorist targets. American Christians. Patriots and Tea-party folks too.

This Reich tell us everything is OK because they are doing it to everyone equally. Except they are not. If there are exceptions there is also targeting being done. You can bet your life on it. Wait, we are betting our lives on it. Hussein said so. He said he would stand with the Muslims. Remember? His wiretapping is directed at American citizens, not Muslims .The Boston bombers should have been found easily if they were watching for terrorists. But I guess it depends on what your definition of "terrorist" is. With this Reich, "terrorist" is not the Muslims but Constitution loving Americans. But should we really not be surprised by this. After all, it's all part of Hussein's personal Jihad.

They say ordinary Americans have nothing to fear from this administration. Every word out of their mouths is deceitful. Americans have everything to fear, just ask Gibson guitar. Ask the farmers and ranchers who the EPA gave their personal data to environmental extremists; ask the tea parties and conservative groups and individuals who were targeted by the IRS; ask the AP folks and James Rosen and his parents who were spied on by the DOJ and accused of criminality; ask the 60 million in California whose personal health information was wrongfully given to the IRS; ask the unemployed who haven't been able to find work since the economic meltdown; ask the millions who are now on food stamps because they're unable to afford groceries and gas which have almost doubled in price since Shjt for Brains took office; ask the underemployed who can't get 37 hrs anymore as "part-time" work, only 30hrs or less and now they have to seek two jobs; ask the people who no longer can afford health insurance because of Husseinacare; ask the religious institutions, people of faith and Christians in the military whose religious beliefs and freedom to practice their faith beliefs have been suppressed by this administration; ask the students who have worthless college degrees and thousands of dollars in debt to show for their efforts, ask Jack Ryan whose sealed divorce papers were leaked enabling Hussein to win the senate seat which started him on the political path culminating in this endgame, and last, but certainly not least, ask the souls of the unborn children who have been murdered because of the hateful, relentless attack by this president enabling Planned Parenthood and the Dr. Gosnell of the world to murder as many babies as possible. God Help America." MC

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