The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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We Are So Back

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Sebelius Plays God And Won’t Waive Transplant Regulation For 10-Year-Old Girl With Five Weeks To Live. Her Reason, She Says “Someone Lives And Someone Dies”.

"We knew this was coming, and something tells me we ain't seen nothing yet. This is just the beginning of a rapid decline in the American Standard of living and the America we grew up with. Assholes in government taking control over our lives. Own it you shithead Hussein Supporters. Look what is happening. America's seriously ill and elderly are going to be dying by the Hussein/Piglosi/Sebelius hand in numbers that truly will make America appear to be a genocide nation. They made us eat the democrap healtcare bill, and shoved it down our throats to make sure we ate it. Every democrap and Hussein supporter is responsible for endorsing it. Whether it's denying care to the born or murdering the unborn, today's liberalism is little more than a death cult. I can recall another regime which preferred to kill the "unfit" rather than devote state resources to them. Can you say Nazi's.

Will someone take Sillybus's heart, she sure as hell ain't using it. And this woman will be in charge of our healthcare. Evil exists in our government and will continue to until we all do something about it! If this girl was Sebelius' granddaughter, or the child of one of her cronies, or the daughter of Hussein, or the daughter of a Union boss, why, there are dozens of exceptions that
I'm sure would be made. Or if  they would just claim the little girl is a lesbian, she will have new lungs by Friday. Maybe the girl's parents are Republicans or Tea Party members. Libtards find a way to benefit at everyone else's expense. Note the hypocrisy, that Leftists are against the death penalty because they claim they don't think that people should be able to determine whether or not someone else loses their life. Yet here, Sillybus enjoys, and I mean "enjoys" is precisely the right word, the power and ability to make that very determination. These people are appointed serial killers. What is the issue Sillybus? Go ahead and say it, "If I give you a lung, everybody will want one!" This "woman" is a heartless bitch. May she smoke a turd for eternity in the lowest pits of hell. All you libtard/democraps, proud moment for you I bet. You are truly the fool of fools.Welcome to the Death Panels. Please take a seat and die quietly." MC

I ask you, would these young girls be denied life saving care? Absolutely, positively, NOT!

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