The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Crazy Joe Biden: “The Last Thing We Need Is Someone Who’ll Go Down To The Senate And Support Ted Cruz”

Plugs also claims the “bulk of the Republican party” are “cowering” because of Cruz and Rand Paul, as if that is a bad thing.

"Hey Crazy Joe, do us all a favor and sit down and shut the f**k up, you unimportant, whiny little prick. Ted Cruz and Rand Paul being attacked by these traitors is an endorsement for them. As a matter of fact, anyone who is not called a name by the Left should be voted out of office. No Joey, the rest of the Rhinos are afraid that your boss will call them racists and their gutless, fragile egos just can't handle being called names. 

Sorry, Joey, you asshole, I'm not sure you morons understand how this works. You see, it's not a "couple of Senators" or some TeaParty Congressmen, they are 'representatives', meaning they represent a portion of the American people. When you say you 'don't support' or you have a
problem with these 'new breed' of, shall we call them rogue, Congressmen, you're really saying you have a problem with the will of the People they are representing. Get it straight jackass. This isn't a battle between Democraps and a couple of 'uppity' Representatives, when you hate on them, you're hating that they are doing what the American people put them there for. I'm praying after the 2014 elections we can send Cruz and Paul some back up.

I support Ted Cruz. The last thing we need is someone fool enough to take Crazy Joe Biteme's advice.Two freshmen Senators have infuriated the most obnoxious, arrogant, mentally impaired, and narcissistic Vice President in American History. I would kill for such a Badge of Honor. Biteme is too stupid to realize he is complimenting Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. So you see Joey, you f**king spineless mental midget, it's a real man with balls that can make the scumbag wannabees cower, is EXACTLY what is needed. And, as if anyone with a half a brain would listen to you. It would be nice if you would shut your mouth and do something beneficial for the country for a change, and leave. Do us all a favor and just go on your balcony and shoot a shotgun in the air and leave us the hell alone." MC

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