With all the scandals surrounding this Administration, all my beliefs are coming true. This presidency and the criminal and corrupt members of it, now resemble a criminal organization. From here on out, this administration will be known as "The Hussein Crime Family".
Just look at them, led by their mouth piece, Don Barry "the Mouthpiece" Hussein. That's right, "the mouthpiece", because this guy never was in charge of the goings on in this Shite House. He just spews out what those in charge tell him.
The real person in charge is Vallerie "the Communist" Jarret. Every dirty deed that this Family does, I believe, comes from her. She is the real leader in this Family. Remember after the election,
with her "Now its pay back time" comment. There is no doubt this known communist is the real brains behind this criminal organization. Her hands are all over the IRS scandal. There is no doubt in my mind she started this operation against the Tea Party. No one will convince me otherwise. She is the most dangerous member of this group. Their best hit man.
Then there is Eric "The Panther" Holder. This family member is as corrupt an AG that this country has ever had. His lack of prosecution of the Black Panther voting intimidation back in '08 was a disgrace. Then there was the "Fast And Furious" coverup. This guy had his hands all over this operation. The lies that came out of this scandal were so outrageous, that only a moron would believe them. But alas, all the Libtards Senate Foot Soldiers turned their heads and declared there was nothing to see here. And now, the AP scandal. Don't believe for one minute he knew nothing about this. Another dangerous member.
And then there is Joe "Crazy Joe" Biden. Fortunately or him, he is so stupid, no one really pays attention to him. The only dangerous thing about "Crazy Joe" is the fact that if Hussein is removed from office, he is put in charge. Now that's scary. A gaffe here and there is all Joe is about. He's harmless, but annoying.
And how about John "Traitor" Kerry, aka: Lurch, aka: Herman Munster. I can't say any more than what I have said in the past. This man is a disgrace to the military, a disgrace to those that gave their lives in defense of this nation, and a disgrace to this country. His association with the Jane Fonda's of the world are a testament to that. His fake story about being injured in Vietnam has been disputed by many military personel. For him to try and make out that American soldiers were killing babies, raping women, cutting off ears and, in his words, rampaging every day through the Vietnamese countryside like the hordes of Genghis Khan, was and is a smear and slander of all Vietnam veterans. For that alone, he fits right in with this America hating family.
Janet "Big Sis" Napolitano. This man said the influx of immigrants into Arizona will put this conservative stronghold into the hands of the Democratic Party. So much for protecting the security of the country. She would rather play politics than making sure our borders are secure. Yeah, let the illegal democraps keep coming over the border so we can win elections. Criminal. And then, buying all this ammo. For what? She will tell you you she is buying the ammo in bulk and it is cheaper. Bullshit. With all that ammo, she can shoot every American five times. There is a method to her madness. And I fear what she has going on in that libtard brain of hers.
Kathleen "Morning Pill" Sebelius. Yeah, she allows girls 13 yrs. of age to get the morning after pill without having to tell her parents. Big supporter of abortion. Big fan of planned parenthood. And her latest abortion criminal activity, she has ties to late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart, who was involved in the 33-week abortion death of Jennifer Morbelli on February 7, 2013, in Maryland. This connection raises concerns that she may attempt to interfere in ongoing investigations involving Carhart. Criminal. And recently, solicitating health care companies for donations to fund the implementation of Obamacare. Federal regulations only permit solicitations by federal department officials ‘if you do not solicit funds from a subordinate or from someone who has or seeks business with the Department, and you do not use your official title.’ It appears that a great conflict of interest in soliciting funds for this purpose has taken place. Her actions, as described in recent reports, appear to violate these regulations. Criminal.

There are some members of this crime family that have left. Hillary "What Does it Matter" Clinton, Rahm "the Pitbull" Emmanual, David "Grease" Axelrod, and Robert "Baghdad Bob" Gibbs. Yes, they are no longer in the family, but still speak highly of them now and then.This administration stinks to the high heavens and I am certain that this imposter in the Shite House was a fraud when he became a candidate in 2008, and that, when exposed, would be the icing on the cake. Remember, Nixon only talked about putting the IRS on people. Hussein did it. I don't think we should demean Nixon by comparing Hussein to him. Nixon is a choir boy compared to this guy. Hussein's a total psychopath. Yes sir, there's something rotten in Washington, and it is the Hussein Crime family. They can lie, but they cannot hide. They are toast. No longer is Hussein the "Teflon Don". These scandals are gonna stick." MC
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