WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Shillary Lied Under Oath And To The Families Of The Murdered Hero's Of Benghazi.
Hey Shillary, this isn't going to go away. We won't let it. Just thought you might want to know. You think this is a right wing conspiracy like when your hubbie got caught with his pants down? You betcha. It amazes me that you would do anything and say anything, regardless of whether it is the truth, which it never is, to secure your dream to become president. You are a typical libtard politician, you know, a liar, that cannot be trusted. The fact that you can lie to those families when the bodies of their loved ones came home, is shameful. Not even now, can you show any remorse. But then again, one must have a soul before they can show any remorse, or regret, or
compassion. The murder of honorable Americans didn't matter to you, or your boss. You are nothing but a cold, heartless, self serving witch who lacks any shame or ethics. But then why should we expect you to tell the truth. You have to live up to the Clinton legacy. My passionate wish is that you and your ex-POS boss are found guilty of perjury, and even treason, and are led out in handcuffs wearing an orange suit.
What you did that night was despicable Sort of like Jane Fonda spitting on American Servicemen. There is one difference between Jane "Hanoi" Fonda and Hillary "Benghazi" Clinton. Jane never caused the deaths of four Americans. It's over for you Shill. Fess up. You know if it starts getting hot in the Shite House, you are going under the bus. You can forget the presidency. That's over for you. There won't be enough stupid, Kardashian watching, low information voters to put you in the White House. Unless you can govern from behind bars in Leavenworth, the presidency is gone.
Your lies just caught up to you. Whether it was ducking gun fire in Bosnia, or the brain tumor, you just can't be taken seriously any more. Not to say that the Democraps wouldn't nominate you of course. After all, to the libtards, your lying simply makes you more "electable". They hold no level of decency or honesty for those they put into power. In fact, the more nasty their behavior the higher up they are held. Case in point, Hussein. So Shill, time to come clean, after all, "What difference does it make now?" MC
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