The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Sasquatch Tells Graduates: ‘I Could Take Up a Whole Afternoon Talking About Barack Obama’s Failures.

So Moochelle Hussein speaks at a graduation and says, “And then there’s this guy, Barack Obama. I could take up a whole afternoon talking about his failures, he lost his first race for Congress, and now he gets to call himself my husband". Just an afternoon? Mooch, sweetheart, we could add a new wing to the Library of Congress to fully document your husband’s failures. Just an afternoon? Just talking about his green energy failures could take up a 3 day weekend. But then who would want to screw the weekend up. Has anyone noticed the pattern this graduation season? The Hussein's seem to be focusing on predominantly black graduates. Why is that? I don’t know about you, but I find that fascinating. Are they concerned that they are losing the black voting base by pursuing gay marriage and amnesty? Are they doing a hurried scramble to solidify the next generation of black voters? Call me crazy, but something about this makes me go, “WTF, huh.”. Yep, Mooch is pooping socialist crap again and slinging it at her zombie black liberal audience. And they just eat it up. Guess they just love staying poor.

So Moocie thinks she is a comedian. She's up there joking about her husbands failures. I guess it's all a joke to these two idiots. Benghazi, a joke. Fast and furious, a joke. The IRS a joke. The AP sweep, a joke. She must think this is all material for Saturday Night Live. I’m sure Hussein will produce more material before his term ends. Yeah, he is a real riot. Hey Mooch, when the military calls their Commander in Chief, on the 911 line, and nobody answers the phone, its not funny anymore? Get it? “And now he gets to call himself my husband.” I wouldn’t call that success for him or you, Moohelle. You are almost as arrogant as your husband and certainly just as annoying and evil. You are nothing but shameless disgusting people. His dozens of failures are far from funny. People died because of his failures you disgusting racist libtardess. So keep on laughing so everyone can see your warped sense of humor. I honestly do not like you filthy, dirty incompetents. Just thought you'd like to know.

Well I'm sure everybody could use a good laugh by now, so let me run down some of Hussein's hillarious failures:
He has waged a war on federal whistleblowers. Hahahahaha

He ran guns to the Mexican drug cartels, resulting in hundreds of deaths.Too funny!
He is supporting al Qaeda rebels in Syria. Stop it.
He used the IRS as a weapon. I can't take it.
He is butchering innocent women and children with drone strikes after accusing Bush of torturing terroists by pouring water on their face. That's it, I can't take any more. Just too funny.
Oh yes Mooch, your husband’s failures are soooooo funny. Why is no one laughing? 

I live for the day to see this America hating Sasquatch and her halfrican bisexual hubby brought up on charges of Treason by the American People. That’s right. I said the American People. Because Congress has failed to do so. We will not be near as tolerant of their Anti-American deeds." MC

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