The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Queen Botox Says: It Will Cost More To Repeal Husseinacare

"More bull shit. As a matter of fact I seem to be saying bull shit a lot these days. Like I'd believe what you say shithead. You lie like Hussein. It costs ZERO to repeal it. Even if it cost $1 billion to repeal the law, and it doesn't, that would be chump change compared to the costs that this monstrosity will accrue during its lifetime. I would rather pay to repeal it now, then to have the cost of actually living under it! If the costs are high, we`ll take it out of your paycheck Nancy, after all you're still spewing that this shit act is bringing down the deficit. The only deficit is that thing that sits between your ears. It's always cheaper to destroy Socialism than to let it continue to fester, you lying commie bitch! When HusseinaCare was being forced down our throats, you said, "Well, let's just pass the thing so we can see what's in it." So now I say, "Well, let's just repeal the thing and see how much it was going to cost us." If we repeal this garbage, we won't have to ever again worry about 'what's in it', you disgusting hag!

As usual, whatever this dim bulb projects, the opposite is true. What it will cost if not repealed is everyone's freedom and liberty from a system that is setup to collect your data and money by a faceless government desk-jockey in order to "persuade" you into compliance with the state. Queen
Botox should be shackled to the columns of the Capital, near a rotten tomato stand selling rotten tomatoes for a dollar. After the tomatoes are repeatedly smashed in her stretched mug, then she can take her big f**king hammer out to the prison rock pile to turn big rocks into little rocks, along with her husband and every poitician that jammed this garbage through congress. Sorry, needed to get that off my chest.

No, Queen Botox, repealing Husseinacare would actually save this country, save our wonderful healthcare system, restore our privacy and restore the economic model of people having full time jobs instead of living on the government dole. Thats what we want. So get your Socialist ass out of the way so we can bring America back to the Country it was intended to be." MC

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