The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Top Obamacare Adviser: Doctors Told to Focus on “Cost Value” and Volume… Not the Patient

"Let's see, think of social justice when seeing sick people? Spend the money on someone else who deserves it more than another person who may be just as ill or share the same diagnosis? Some lives are more equal than others. Now where have we heard such twisted logic before? Well, I remember reading about a little German fellow with a mushstache who basically said pretty much the same thing about a certain race of people and then murdered 6 million of them! He also murdered an additional 6 million including Catholics, the mentally and physically handicapped, and gypsies. I think it is time you low information voting morons catch up on your history because it is repeating itself right before your very blind eyes. The "pro-choicer" and killers and supporters like your Messiah who kill babies that are actually born, has sped along their disrespect for the value of human life. Add to that the "gun-control" folks who have fed into the paranoia served by the government that the only way we'll be safe and free of violent crime is by
voiding the 2nd Amendment. Once that one falls, the rest will fall quickly. Then they'll all be saying "what happened?", when they find they no longer have any rights. Husseinacare will ensure that all Americans receive Medicaid quality healthcare and it will ensure that you will have to pay through the teeth to try to get treatment when you need it. It will provide treatment based on the Bell curve. So, if you are younger than 15 or older than 55, you are of little value to that group that believes this and thus you'll basically be shit out of luck. You won't be treated but, if you are lucky, you may be given pain pills to lessen the pain. What does Murphy's Law say, "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong". Be careful what you wish for you stupid libtard Hussein voters, those death panels are starting to look pretty real when you see doctors quoting lines like those in this story. This doctor is the brother of Rahm Emanuel. Remember him? Gotta wonder about the Emanuel parents, don't you? Kind of odd all their spawn turned out to be sick, evil, murdering, commie control freak pricks. Have you ever considered that when Government takes over our health care your life is now not yours, it becomes theirs. We are each put in a category. Low quality care for some and excellent care for, who? Say what, the elitists and those politicians who made this God-awful, "affordable plan". "I have a great deal for all Americans", so said the Democraps. An Affordable Health care Act. And the Democrats were in charge. How is it that some never saw a problem with something so quickly executed, behind close doors, voted on, then read? Because of one word, FREE. No recourse left for us other than to have another Conservative president and conservative republicans hold both the senate and the house and repeal this piece of shit." MC

Docs Told They Must Drive Health System Change

SAN FRANCISCO -- Doctors are the only people who can drive the change in healthcare delivery that's needed to save the country from a financial crisis, a health policy expert said here.
Ezekiel Emanuel, MD, PhD, chair of medical ethics and health policy at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, called physicians the most important group in determining the future of the U.S., because others who have tried to incite health delivery reform have run into a brick wall when doctors weren't on board.
"I can sit up here and talk all about it. Other experts can talk about it. Only you can put it into practice," Emanuel said at the opening ceremony here at the annual meeting of the American College of Physicians. "You don't do, it ain't gonna happen. It's that simple."
Emanuel drew a gasp from the crowd when he noted the U.S.'s healthcare spending last year -- $2.87 trillion -- makes it equivalent to the fifth largest economy in the world. "We spend more on healthcare in this country than the 66 million French spend on everything in their society," he said.
The federal government's share of health spending through programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Veterans Affairs equates to the 16th largest economy in the world -- bigger than Turkey, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
The only way to reduce that spending is to move away from a fee-for-service model that rewards volume over value and quantity over quality, Emanuel said, noting that the fee-for-service system has driven the spending growth that we have today.
"We need to take the responsibility now as a group in pushing for payment change," Emanuel said. "It's the only way we can facilitate the transformation and re-engineering that the system needs and we need to care about."
He called on physicians to "get our house in order" and "collectively campaign" for these changes.
If physicians take the lead, they can enhance their autonomy and design the delivery system they want, but that system will also assign them financial risk.
"I see no way of getting out of that," he warned. "It's not a dilemma. It's just the inherent nature of what it means to assume autonomy."
Emanuel highlighted six elements that must underline payment and delivery reform efforts:
  • Focus on cost value
  • Focus on the patient
  • Work in clinical teams, not as individuals
  • Reorganize delivery systems
  • Standardize processes
  • Ensure price and quality transparency
While some providers have bemoaned consolidation in healthcare, physicians need other people in teams helping provide care, as well as a good infrastructure of information systems. "We need a big infrastructure to be able to deliver high-quality care going forward," Emanuel said.
Transparency is inevitable and will happen faster than doctors think, he said, despite some opposition.
"You need to know who's doing well in terms of quality so you can make referrals," Emanuel said. "You need to know who is doing well in terms of price, so that when we change the price system you can actually make it reasonable."
Emanuel's message was similar to what others have laid out. Recently, former acting Medicare czar Don Berwick, MD, said change needs to come from physicians and not outside forces like Congress or the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
The health system needs physician leaders in positions of power helping driving this change, ACP President David Bronson, MD, of Cleveland Clinic Regional Hospitals, said.
"Physician leaders ought to be in C-suites, government agencies, and elected government to help navigate this very difficult health system we have that needs reform," Bronson told MedPage Today after the talk.
He added that by having doctors engaged, they can be brought along with the delivery and payment reforms.

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