"Look, if the libtards didn’t raise a fuss about some inconsequential shit like this, it would come to light that these fools can’t “teach” anything but psycho-bullshit and communist propaganda. No wonder every little thing’s a “crisis” in schools these days. But I'm sure if he came to school dressed in a pink dress holding a purse, wearing heels, everything would be OK. The libtards will shrivel up and die if they don’t have something to bitch about. You can't blame the kid. His mom did this to him. But that makes an excellent point, considering that all public schools are now run my leftist scum. The same leftist scum that used to spit on soldiers returning from the Viet Nam and I'm sure if you saw pictures of them back in their youth, it wouldn't be pretty. Diversity my ass. No, the kid is not responsible for his mother’s lack of a GED or Kindergarten Proficiency Certificate. The mother must be a libtard. Really, it’s not like the kid had a gun-cut. If he did it
would have been, "O M G, HAIR LOOKS LIKE A GUN LOCK DOWN". F**king liberals can’t make up their mind. At all. Ever. In fact, they don’t have a mind. At all. I have seen worse looking hair cuts worn by kid's today. This little guy’s hair is neat, clean, and looks like it is still its natural color. So what is the problem? Let him stay in school while the hair on the sides grows a little, and then presto, "problem" gone, without turning it into a federal offense. Reading between the lines, was it a problem because the school officials couldn’t maintain discipline/control? Because a student’s hair looked a little different than usual? I wouldn’t be surprised. What a bunch of wimps? Impose another school-wide rule. These people are insane. It’s only hair for God's sake. And “disruptive”, give me a break. Five-year olds have the attention span of a flea and after less than an hour or so, the novelty would have worn off and the kids would be used to it. You mean teachers couldn't deal with that? Better the “educators” should worry about teaching, something they are not doing a good job at based on the statistics." MC

Remember when the left loathed the right for giving hippies a hard time with their long hair?
Ya, I remember. Do they?
Keshia Castle said she was told on Wednesday that her 5-year-old son, Ethan Clos, cannot not to come back to Reid Elementary School until he gets rid of his Mohawk
Ya, I remember. Do they?
Keshia Castle said she was told on Wednesday that her 5-year-old son, Ethan Clos, cannot not to come back to Reid Elementary School until he gets rid of his Mohawk
Castle said Ethan thought he was “cool” after he got the haircut during spring break last week and he got a lot of attention from his classmates when he returned to class.
“They seen his hair like it was. All the little kids were going over and feeling on it and everything,” Castle said.
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