"Dream Act my ass. Another horrible story involving an undocumented democrat. I have a dream too. It pretty much involves this guy is dragged behind a truck over 2 miles of broken glass and 3 miles of cactus, or just drop him off in Dallas and announce he is a child molester and give him a little Texas justice. An undocumented democrat commits a crime? No Shit! He goes to the house and tells the mother he wants to f**k her daughter. She says no. So he kills her with and Assault rifle? Dammit, we must ban these assault rifles. Where did an undocumented democrap get an assault rifle? Could it be one of the rifles from Holder's "Fast and Furious" sale? Did you see the coverage on this on the MSM stations? Neither did anyone else. Fox was the only news station with the balls to cover this undocumented murdering pedophile rapist Hussein-voter? I guess this proves we don't need guns to defend ourselves. Think about it, these libtard politicians want to take guns away from law abiding citizens, and then want to allow murdering scum in this country amnesty. Sounds sane to me. What the f**k are we doing? Isn't it likely that this undocumented libtard has had sex with the 13 year old before. Oh, but don't discriminate against these undocumented libtards. That would be racist. Where is Al and Jesse? Oh I forgot he is a Mexican,
not black. Not their problem. It's up to Hussein to take care of him and give him a pathway to citizenship quicker now. Only in libtard America do we pander to the illegal immigrant for fear of offending them. Start deportation now for all of them. We are a country made up of immigrants, immigrants that came here, legally. They filled out the paperwork, went home, then came back for more paperwork and then went home and kept doing this until they got the LEGAL paperwork to stay. And this was back in the early 1900's. They were poor immigrants, who did it the right way. They went to night school to learn English because they wanted to be Americans and were proud to be Americans. If they had to do it, then everyone has do it. Some 200 years ago he would have simply been shot or hung (so as to not waste a bullet) and he would have been dumped over the border on the Mexico side with a message, "Don't send this kind over here again or there will be trouble!" We need to get back to our old ways of the old days and tell the libtards of today to sit down and shut up. And what's John McShame's stance on this Arizona? Maybe everyone that crosses the southern border should stay with that moron. Just think, McShame ran for our highest office of the land? If he would have won the Presidency he would have sold our country out like his ole buddy Barry is doing today. I really have a hard time understanding why is it so hard for our government to fight for our country, our rights? The only answer is that they are traitors who want to see this country destroyed. The other reason could be that the majority of those in favor of illegals aren't effected by them. Think about it, if the politicians were competing for jobs with illegals, or their kid's schools were flooded with them, or the house next door to them was over-populated with them, would they still have the same stance? You can bet your ass they wouldn't. It's amazing how every time something happens that would help promote their agenda, they make sure it's splattered all over their corrupt media. But when someting like this happens, they down play it, call people racist for having a view different than theirs, and make sure it's kept out of the media. What a bunch of ignorant assholes these people are. All illegals should be treated as terrorists, which is what they are. To ignore that fact, is traitorous." MC
Illegal aliens are leaving a trail of victims from coast to coast – a massive crime wave that most Americans don’t know about – because the media typically plays it down. And so frequently the victims are children or involve children – thanks to a perverse Mexican culture that virtually ensures the victimization of the young.
There was one such murder last night in Arizona. Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his Maricopa County Sheriff’s detectives are are investigating the murder that happened late Monday night in Aquila, AZ, 45 miles Northwest of Phoenix.
Authorities say the suspect, 25-year-old Jose Zarate, went to 31-year-old Maria Saucedo’s home around 9:30 p.m. Zarate reportedly wanted to take Saucedo’s 13-year old daughter to his home, presumably for sex. When she refused, an argument ensued and Zarate pulled out a rifle and shot her in the chest at close range — in the presence of the teen.
According to MCSO, “One of several witnesses to the crime apparently disarmed Zarate before he fled the area on foot.” When they arrived at the scene, deputies administered CPR on Saucedo, but she was later pronounced dead.
“How awful this is that a mother loses her life in the process of defending her daughter’s honor,” said Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
On Wednesday, deputies arrested Zarate. He was found at his home.
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