The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, April 6, 2013

Moochelle the Single Mom.

"Can't make this shit up. So now Moochelle thinks she is a single mother. Well, we all know her husband is a single mother f...sorry, won't go there. Why would she say something like that? What does it say for their marriage? This "mis-speaking" on Moochelle's part indicates there may be a problem in party paradise. But then again they lie so frequently, who knows? Yep, poor Moochelle. She came from such humble beginnings, how she struggled with he student loans, and then the fairy tale about when they began dating, they were both so broke, Hussein’s car was a piece of junk. Brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it. And now, after all that, she is a struggling single mom, living in the Shite House, with her mooching mommy. Like I said, they lie so frequently, and so
easily, that they can’t utter a truthful statement even about the most obvious things. Remember the one about some of her best memories was sitting on her daddy’s lap, cheering on Olga and Nadia, Carl Lewis and others for their brilliance and perfection, when she was trying to get the Olympics for Shitcago? And remember that when she sat on her daddy's lap while watching this, she was twenty years old. Either she was the only twenty year old that still sits on her daddy's lap, or she was, pardon the expression, LYING! I think the only time she actually told the truth was when she said she it was the first time in her life she was proud of her country, when her husband was about to get the nomination to become the worst president of the USA. And as for cheering on Olga and Nadia, another lie. This wife of the Racist of the White House would never cheer two white girls to win anything. I could believe her if she said she cheered them on because they were from Communist countries, now that's believable. Cheer on their fellow communist countrymen. I just find it incredible that she, along with her undocumented husband, can say the things they say and get away with it. Just amazing." MC

 America's new mime, Moochel Mooseau.

 From Dianny Rants:

“And believe me, as a busy single mother, uh, ah, or I shouldn’t say single, as a busy mother…” [Michelle Obama in yet another CBS News interview]
Big Fur Hat posted the video of this interview yesterday, and the first thing that struck me about it, well there were two things:
Before this ill-timed blunder, Michelle Obama spoke of “creating buses.”
Isn’t it odd how this wealthy, pampered, spoilt woman has lived to the age of 49 without nary a clue that buses have already been created?
Apparently, like her husband, Michelle has a tough time stringing a sentence together without having a staff of writers composing it in advance.
The second thing, of course, is her claim of being a single mother.
Now, I’m not one who thinks that Barack and Michelle have a phony marriage. Well, at least not in the sense that the children don’t belong to him. It’s phony, but more in the Clintoneque sense of the word.
This “mis-speaking” on Michelle’s part indicates a larger, systemic problem with the Obamas in general.
They lie so frequently, and so fluidly that they can’t utter a truthful statement even about the most obvious things.
They’ve painted this story about themselves – how they come from humble beginnings, how they both struggled under the weight of students loans. How, when they began dating, they were both so broke, Barack’s car was a piece of junk.
There was the memorable time when Michelle, trying to use the Obama Magic Narrative to get the Olympic Committee to choose Chicago said,
“Some of my best memories are sitting on my dad’s lap, cheering on Olga and Nadia, Carl Lewis and others for their brilliance and perfection.”
Carl Lewis was the star of the 1984 Olympics – when Michelle was twenty. How many twenty-year-olds sit on Daddy’s lap, and not in a creepy way?
The Obama narrative has been a tireless effort to paint them as “regular black folk” with simple, but fond memories of life in the ‘Hood.
They know the struggles of the single mom raising kids all alone in a “food desert.”
No they don’t.
They have lived very well, thank you for very much, from their early years until today.
Remember Steve Martin’s movie The Jerk? When he says, “”It was never easy for me. I was born a poor black child. I remember the days, sittin’ on the porch with my family, singin’ and dancin’ down in Mississippi…” I always think of Barack and Michelle.
Michelle Obama who jets off to swanky, high-brow destinations in two thousand dollar sneakers and designer clothes wants so desperately to be seen as just another black woman struggling daily to keep her fatherless children well fed and brought up right, against horrible odds.
The lies of the Obamas’ narrative don’t hold up under even the mildest scrutiny – which, thank God the Enslaved Press won’t even give them the mildest scrutiny.
All the lies.
All the “poor me’s” of Barack and Michelle.
Yeah. Poor me. Poor me. Pour me another glass of Krystal.
Obama gets a lot of mileage out of his, “I was raised by a single mother” routine. He really plays it up. Poor Barack, raised by a single mom, just like all you poor black folk in the inner city.
You know, those poor black folk who live in Hawaii and get to go to an exclusive private school.
Most people, when they pad their resumes tend to make themselves look a hell of a lot better than they really are.
The Obama’s on the other hand, have padded their resume to make their lives seem pretty damn miserable. Just a few notches above a Spike Lee movie.
It’s tough trying to keep those lies straight.
“Wait, which one of us has the ‘Single Mother’ story line again?!”
The Obamas have worked long and hard to vilify and demonize the “Rich.” So much of their Socialist, Leftist policies depend on it.
That’s why the “I was a poor black kid” meme is so vital to the Obama narrative. Michelle can’t really be blamed for messing up when speaking without notes or prepared remarks.
The problem with basing your entire life story on a series of carefully crafted lies is, the real world, the truth, will out.
It’s just our good fortune that it happened on CBS News.

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