The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Thursday, April 18, 2013

LAUGHABLE: Hussein Calls Gun Rights Advocates Liars.

"I am only posting one post today. I watched that pathetic press conference and it made me so mad, that I decided to devote my time on that debacle. So the NRA are liars and spreading "flasehoods". I'm sure that's not true but any honest news organization could come with at least a 5 minute montage of this Liar in Chief saying one thing and then a month or two later either saying or doing the exact opposite. Wouldn't be hard, after all, his whole pathetic life is one big f**king lie. With his record, he's got balls calling anyone a liar or even inferring that they are. Satan's son calling someone else a deceiver, that rich. If there's been anyone stringing along a path of lies, it's been this asshole's administration using their gestapo tactics. I don't think Hussein would recognize the truth if it bit him in his scrawny lying ass. What we witnessed today was the typical Hussein style, lying, using people as props, insulting, demeaning, demonizing, and whining. This pathetic, silly, weak minded, annoying twerp is no leader, but what person with any trace of intelligence doesn't know that? I forgot, I guess that eliminates libtards. At this Rose Garden debacle yesterday, Hussein acted as he always does when he doesn't get what he wants, crabby, classless and immature. He did everything except throw himself on the ground kicking and screaming. Mommy, Mommy, they voted against me and for the Constitution? Whaaaaa. What a juvenile POS this jackass is. Kind of fun to watch though, I got to admit. So glad to see he is upset
that the Constitution held. He has always said it's a flawed document. But not today. Yes sir, Hussein wants to pretend he cares about the children by taking away the rights of law abiding Americans, but Barry is cool with chasing babies around and cutting their spines/heads off with scissors. What a hypocrite that Barack Obortion is. Hey Barry, you lost, take it like a, whatever you are. Like your previous Secretary of State said, "What difference does it make now". What a great line that was. That should be printed on her epitaph, but I'd prefer, "Useless Bitch". Anyway, it's just sickening to watch the tools that appeared at this little temper tantrum press conference. That father of a New Town victim. Shame on you for allowing this fraud to use you and your dead child as a tool to push his marxist agenda. While you were up there spewing their propaganda for them, why didn't you step back and ask him for the whole country to hear, about the thousands that are dead thanks to Hussein and Holder sending arms to Mexican drug cartels in Fast and Furious? That blood of men, women and children on both sides of the border are directly on his hands. That was all done to push the gun control agenda early on and it blew up in his face. It showed he will do and say anything, and obviously get people killed to push his agenda. Did you ask him that while you were getting the Shite House tour or taking you plane ride on Air Farce One? Didn't think so. Congratulations for allowing yourself to be just another pawn in this foreigners tool box. Maybe you should have read the bill to see, really see who the liar is. It's none other than Barry Hussein. No, that would be too easy. You'd rather sell your soul for this vile piece of crap. And then there's Gabby. This just in Gabby, he doesn't care about you. Your just convenient for him right now. You see, he has a new disaster to jump on. The Boston bombing. Today Hussein and the Mooch are flying to Boston, no doubt to take advantage of that horrible situation. He will probably get a bunch of people that were injured to sit in their wheelchairs behind him while he explains how dangerous marathons are, and they should be banned. You see Gabby, you no longer will be needed by him until the next round of try's to take away our second amendment rights. Don't call me, I'll call you. Enough said. And last but not least, that idiot, phony, Vice President of ours, Joe "Walter" Biden. It's amazing how much Biden looks like Jeff  Dunham's "Walter" in the photo. I was looking for Jeff Dunham to see if he was standing in back of plugs. The scary thing is Walter is smarter than Uncle Joe. I know Walter has more common sense than plugs, that is certain. Plugs is such a jerk. All he needed to look even more stupid is to be wearing a tee shirt with "I'm with stupid pointing straight up at him". Or maybe even made up in black face and wearing a hoodie. How about Joe standing on the Shite House balcony firing a shot gun to show everybody how to protect ourselves. The look on Joe's face is priceless! Hey Plugs, you want to make yourself useful, if such a thing is possible, help us get our guns back that got misplaced over the border during the Fast & Furious sting? Also we need your help in finding out what really happened at Benghazi. And if it's not too much trouble, could you help us pass a law that does something about the dangerously mentally ill in this country, such as yourself. Ah, but you know? This guy is always good for a Laugh. But then, I remember that he's just one heartbeat away from the Presidency, and then that doesn't paint a warm and fuzzy picture. So 90% of Americans wanted this Bill. Where does this magic 90% number come from? I'll tell you where it came from, they made it up. This explains the defeat today. Barry asked, "How can something have 90% support and not happen"? Simple answer, because Hussein is a compulsive liar and 90% of this country does not trust him. Just simple math. Only 4 % of Americans even think this gun control legislation you are running all over the country trying to slam down American's throat is an important issue. Why? Because they want f**king jobs. But, he ignores what the people want and does as he please yet again. Hussein's failure is amusing until you remember how many real issues he is ignoring for this shit. No Barry, you lie. If 90% of Americans supported this it would not have been rejected. I congratulate our Senators who stood strong and voted what "we the people" wanted, not what you, the wanna be dicktator thinks we should want. So put on your big boy panties, get over it, and try doing something that really matters. Fix the economy, find out who was behind the Benghazi tragedy, or better yet do us all a favor and just resign. Yes sir, yesterday was a Great Day for the 2nd Amendment. We go back to work to continue defending our Constitutional Rights against this massive socialistic, progressive federal overreach. The senators didn't cave into the pressure yesterday Barry, they caved into WE the PEOPLE! That's right, 'We The People", you arrogant ass wipe! The real American people and the constitution. Great to see that America will still rise when a tyrant seeks power." MC

Two of the tools in Hussein's tool belt

Isn’t it interesting how quickly the great uniter turns into a blame casting two year old when he doesn’t get his way?
The Washington Times reports…
Obama angrily denounces gun-rights groups as willful liars
President Obama angrily blamed the defeat Wednesday of his centerpiece gun-control proposal on lies spread by the National Rifle Association, calling it “a pretty shameful day for Washington.”
“The gun lobby and its allies willfully lied about the bill,” Mr. Obama said in the White House rose garden about 90 minutes after the vote. “It came down to politics.”
As he spoke, Mr. Obama was surrounded by family members of victims of the Newtown, Conn., school shooting. Also with him was former Rep. Gabby Giffords of Arizona, wounded in an assassination attempt.
Senators voted 54-46 late Wednesday to expand background checks of gun purchases, six votes shy of the 60 needed for passage of the amendment.
As long as we’re talking about lies, here’s a classic.
If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.

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Teleprompter Fail 3