"Up in Heaven Reagan is probably happy about this. I'm sure he doesn't want his name associated with this liberal hell-hole, cess pool. They're probably going to build a mosque over the ruins. Or maybe a Bill Ayers-Saul Alinksy Dormitory for illegal alien students.Wait until some future president demolishes Obama's boyhood home in Kenya with a drone. Then there will be hell to pay. So the windy, broke, and shot up City erected a memorial to commemorate the site of Michelle and Barrry’s first kiss. First kiss? At Baskin Robbins? I didn't know EBT cards were
accepted at Baskin Robbins! But let's be honest, no sane person would venture into Chicago, but if I ever do, I'll bring my dog and I know where she is going to take a leak. And she can shit there to while she's at it.With all the shithole buildings standing in Shitcago, they choose this one for demolition? Once again Liberals strut their stuff. The great things about Ronald Reagan were his passion, his ideas and his love for this country. None of those things will be destroyed by demolishing a building. And that, drives the libtards crazy." MC
Ronald Reagan was the first president to live in Chicago and he’s the only president who was born and raised in Illinois.
Last week the City of Chicago’s Housing and Economic Development removed from its demolition hold list the six-flat apartment at 832 E. 57th Street where “Dutch” and his family lived in 1915.
The University of Chicago owns the home and has approved of its destruction. The Commission on Chicago Landmarks denied the structure “landmark status,” which gave the university the greenlight to take a bulldoze to the vacant six-flat building to make way for planned campus expansion.
The Windy and broke City erected a memorial to commemorate the site of Michelle and Barack’s first kiss.
“It tasted like chocolate.”
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