The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Absent Media In Gosnell Trial Proves Agenda Of Ass Kissing American Press

"I guess the "most successful serial killer in history" doesn't warrant any attention by this corrupt, ass kissing, Nazi loving media. I guess they have better things to cover, like how all gun owners are evil and why Hussein should be King of the United States. A serial murderer and the screams of a newborn will not shame these soulless, insensitive scums of the earth to show up and report. Whatever happened to shame? Whatever happened to morals? What has happened to America? The photo of the empty benches is Pulitzer worthy (or whatever award is given to photographs). It speaks volumes about their lack of respect for human life. Where are the bleeding heart libtards who protect the vulnerable children and babies. Oh I get it, this was not on their list of Hussein's talking points from the Shite House. It is not surprising that the left wing media doesn't cover this story. They are way too busy helping Hussein pass gun control measures. On a BSNBC show, shit for brains Biden actually praised the Nazi propaganda station for all it's help on trying to get these laws passed. This is not what the media was intended to do or should be doing. It is disgraceful. I am so pissed off and disgusted with this bullshit media. It is not their job
to help Hussein. It is their job to report and ask the tough questions. I can't believe how low this country has sunk, and it's all thanks to that f**king foreigner in the Shite House. If a sick and perverted, Dr. Mengele cloned libtard is on trial for government funded and Hussein approved murder, the people have both the "right" and "need" to know about it. I believe the people on the left today are worse than the Nazis and would do even more evil if they could. They care more about protecting their precious f**king agenda than they do about giving these MURDER victims a voice. And nobody cares. How pathetic. Where is Katie Couric? Where is Diane Sawyer? Where is 60 minutes? No where. Why? Three possibilities: 1) they can't stomach the vile manner in which "choice" is accomplished, 2) they know that this might get low information voters to start thinking about things that don't jive with the program, 3)  he's black and to cover this trial would be racist, 4) the media likes abortion, in any form; first, second, or third trimester. Even if the baby is on the delivery table, alive and kicking, the infant is still fair game to this crowd or 5) they just don't care. I'm going with #3 since they really don't have a moral code to be upset by the actions of this baby murdering libtard. But you can bet if this was a white doctor and a black baby, the Racist Brothers, Al and Jesse would be here faster than Hussein and Moochelle going on vacation. The ship has already sailed on this story for the Murderer in Chief and his ass kissing note takers. There is no way they can pay any attention to this story without having to answer some very uncomfortable questions like his voting record, their previous silence on this story, etc.. So the word is out: Nothing to see here, move along. But in the meantime, there continues to be an entire generation of young girls (and young men) that have been raised with no parental guidance, no morality, no sense of basic right and wrong, just the way the libtards like it. I would bet a great many had this procedure done and thought little of it, unless they themselves suffered physical trauma from the procedure. No thought to the baby whatsoever though. I truly hope there are exceptions, and some felt remorse. So, this is what the Left believes and where the Left has it all wrong; the government can provide food, shelter, clothing, even free phones, but "who" is there, in the home, to teach character and basic human decency. NO ONE. And the Left doesn't care." MC

Read this story:

grand jury report image.png
                                                   The Liberal Media

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