The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Libtards Mourn Chavez

Venezuela needs a new President. Hey, let's send him ours! I guess Cuba did cure his cancer ! Just not the cure the evil bastard was looking for. God had mercy on Venezuela today and took this monster from their country.  The world is a better place with this Dictator gone. That is to some. The Democrats, Hollywood, and the libtard media, his biggest fans in the US, are mourning his loss today. That's right, the names are all to familiar:
Hollywood: Sean Penn, Danny Glover, Oliver Stone, Michael Moore, Harry Belefonte, etc You
know them.
Politics: Jimma Carter, Jose Serrano (D-NY), and other communist members of congress.
Media: Eugene Robinson (racist writer for the Washington Post) and BSNBC.
Let's not forget Joe "For Oil" Kennedy.
Yes sir, a great man according to these fools. Let's me take each one separately.
Hollywood: Flood warnings have been issued for the greater Los Angeles area. The cause? Sean Penn, Danny Glover, Oliver Stone, Michael Moore, Harry Belefonte, etc can't stop crying. I'm sure all of the hollyweird degenerates, led by Sean Penn, will hold the biggest wake in history to celebrate their beloved dictator. No doubt Mooch will show up (at taxpayer expense) to grab some headlines. Ah yea, what a bunch of America hating parasites.Wonder if Oliver, Sean, Danny, and Michael will fly down for the funeral.
If so, let's hope they stay. Too bad Michael Moore couldn't have lived a year under Chavez's Venezuela. He coulda lost 200 pounds easy. As for Joe "for oil" Kennedy, enough said about this moron. I am sure Uncle Teddy was surprised seeing Hugo walking through the door at Club Diablo.
Politics: Let's start with Serrano. Serrano is an asshole. To call him an asshole is an insult to my asshole. Serrano, a man of principle in his admiring Chavez, Castro and other tyrants, socialists and Fast misery makers. Serrano, representing one of the most miserable places to drive thru, work or live. Serrano, a fast and permanent misery maker, like his heroes, he too will leave a legacy of misery, as an accomplishment. Chavez did to Venezuela what Serrano is doing to the Bronx. Keeping his people down while lining his own pockets and seeing neighborhoods turn to trash. Just another New York totalitarian, like his butt buddy Bloominidiot. Mr. Serrano, you are a nothing but a POS  from NY. And how about Jimma Carter. Jimmy Carter is a mental midget. The only schmuck bigger than the one that died is this one that's mourning him. Always has been a idiot. Can you believe his crap? I guess to Jimma Hitler was probably a pretty nice guy relaxed and away at the Berghof in the Bavarian Alps. I'm sure Jimma could've seen past all of that
Holocaust and world-conquest stuff to know the goodness of the loveable and well-meaning part of Hitler that us primitive, uncivilised Conservatives just could not comprehend. Wasn't Hitler good to his dog, too? Oh well, Jimma probably needs to get ready for his next trip to pay tribute to the grave of Arafat. I wonder if Hussein will make us fly our flags at half mast for his comrade?  But hey, there are NO commies in our government! Liberals love dictators so this shouldn't surprise anyone. The Democraps are leaving no doubt as to where their allegiance lies.What was it Allen West was saying about communists in our government? Doesn't seem so far fetched now does it?  

Media: Eugene Robinson. Writer for the Washington Post and regular guest on BSNBC. So Chavez was, in your word's, "quick, popular, and funny". Well now you can add "dead". You are just another American hating racist and your writing and commentary show it. And how about what the NY Times article wrote about Chavez?  The New York Times wrote about a "polarizing" figure who consolidated power and used oil "as a tool for his Socialist-inspired change".  I actually thought they were talking about Hussein.

Hugo Chavez, a true champion of the poor who amassed a personal fortune estimated to be around $2,000,000,000. Hugo's hypocrisy makes him kind of like the Al Gore of the Latin American world. Chavez was a skilled politician and communicator, much like Hitler and Stalin. There are many dictators, communists, and just utter morons in mourning. A lot of people died on this day. Almost all of them were better Human beings than this POS dictator. There's an old saying, "I'm not attending the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it". I'd say that applies here. Also, I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize to anyone who may have been offended by my insensitive remarks. (Not really, I'm being sarcastic). MC

With the death of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, the left-wing mainstream media and a few Democrat allies came out of the woodwork to mourn the human rights violator extraordinaire. Democrat Rep. Jose Serrano (D-NY) led the way with a tweet suggesting that Chavez “was a leader that understood the needs of the poor. He was committed to empowering the powerless. R.I.P. Mr. President.”

Former President Jimmy Carter followed suit, mourning Chavez’s “commitment to improving the lives of his fellow countrymen,” and stating that he would “be remembered for his bold assertion of autonomy and independence for Latin American governments and for his formidable communications skills and personal connection with supporters in his country and abroad to whom he gave hope and empowerment.” As for his Chavez’s destruction of freedom of the press, nationalization of industry, and alliances with murderous dictators like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Carter had nothing to say.

Sean Penn, of course, spoke up to praise Chavez as a “great hero.”

It wasn’t just the most extreme Democrats and their idiot actor friends pushing the Cult of Chavez. The mainstream media quickly jumped on the bandwagon. The Associated Press ran a fawning obit for the authoritarian, leading with the droolingly ugly line, “President Hugo Chavez was a fighter.” Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post sounded off to call Chavez, “quick,” “popular,” and funny. Larry King, formerly of CNN, called in to say that Chavez was “effusive,” “huggable,” and “larger than life.”

The Atlantic wrote, presumably while weeping openly, “Passionate and charismatic, Chávez slipped comfortably into the role of romantic Latin American revolutionary, championing the poor against an unfeeling local oligarchy and its imperial paymasters....Today millions of Venezuelans will weep tears of genuine anguish at his passing.” Foreign Policy magazine ran an op-ed calling Chavez “another heroic martyr in the vein of Guevara or Chile’s Salvador Allende,” stating that Chavez might even reach “Bolivarian proportions.”

ABC News and Univision said that Chavez “was revered by Venezuela’s poor, who considered him one of their own.” Their obituary hailed him as a hero attempting “to fight poverty and high inflation” but alienating “Venezuela’s business elite.” CBS News tut-tutted Chavez as “full of bravado and revolutionary rhetoric,” but said “Chavez’s early policies could be described as moderate, capitalist and center-left.”

The New York Times pointed out the problems with Chavez’s rule, but not before terming Chavez a “polarizing” figure who consolidated power and used Venezuela’s oil “as a tool for his Socialist-inspired change …. He was a dreamer with a common touch and enormous ambition. He maintained an almost visceral connection with the poor …. He was not a stock figure.”

Bloomberg TV’s obituary sounded like it was written by Chavez’s press agent: “He rode a wave of revolution into power, and over 14 years would transform his country’s place on the world stage …. It was oil revenues that allowed Chavez to pour money into food and education programs in Venezuela.”

The moral of this story: if you’re going to die after committing decades of human rights violations, try to be a leftist dictator when you do.

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