"Why must people lie about what they hate? They hate God, not
religion. If they hated religion, then we’d hear them railing against
Buddah, Hindus, Muslims, etc. But no, all those get
a pass. Jesus? Ah ha, now there is where their true hatred lies. Why
only in him? Because they know they can get away with it. So I guess that we can expect Christian's to riot, kill, loot and burn
alive, right? Or maybe I’m thinking of some other religion. No, because they know the only retaliation they would get is a verbal protest. Christians are easy targets. Let this POS company print verses from the Koran on toilet paper. Not a chance. They know that they will have death sentences come down on them. More than likely, their freaking building would be blown up. No way will the cowards dare risk that. Bible yes, Koran no. Spineless bastards. And while it is something that has happened outside the USA, I would bet if it was the Koran, President Allah or someone from the "take God out" Democratic party, would have a statement of condemnation on this. You can bet on it. As a matter of fact, it probably gave Hussein an idea. How about putting the Constitution on toilet paper. Yeah, he'd love that. I've got a better idea, how about we put speeches from the last four “State of the Unions” and last two inaugurals on toilet paper. Or better yet, the faces of the Democrap party on the paper. Hussein, Biden, Reid, Pelosi, Kerry, Clinton (Hillary and Bill) and all the rest of them. Only problem would be the paper would already look like it's been used." MC
Toilet paper has an
obvious intended use, which is why some Europeans were outraged when a
Finnish hygiene company placed Bible verses on its bathroom tissue.
Following furor, Metsa Tissue decided to remove the controversial
scriptures that religious critics found both disrespectful
and distasteful.
The toilet paper, which was being sold
in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, included verses from the book of Matthew
and First Corinthians, Reuters reports. Among them was a quote from Jesus, reading, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21).
Photo Credit: AP
The specific scriptures weren’t
intended to offend, the company claims. Metsa Tissue’s leaders say they
were simply looking to spread love, so they turned to the Bible for
inspiration. But they ended up with a public relations debacle, instead.
“People like to read small, happy
messages while sitting on the toilet,” Christina von Trampe, a
spokeswoman for Metsa Tissue, told Reuters. ”The vast majority of the
feedback has been positive. Our intention was to spread love and joy,
not religious messages.”
However, much of the reaction from
church communities was apparently colored by frustration and disdain.
Consider Laila Riksaasen Dahl, the Bishop of Tunsberg, in Norway. She
made her dislike for the Biblical references on the toilet paper more
than known.
“This is bad taste and show lack of
respect,” she said in an interview with Vaart Land. “Bible verses do not
belong on a roll of toilet paper.”
This isn’t the first time the company
has placed quotes and messages on its products. In fact, Metsa Tissue is
know for doing just that and, despite the furor over the Bible verses,
it doesn’t plan to stop spreading the love.
While it’s likely customers won’t be
seeing Jesus’ comments on tissue again in the near future, poetry and
other messages will continue to be printed.
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