"Yes, you are. Richard M. Nixon :"I am not a crook." Wrong! Bill Clinton : "I did not have sexual relations with that women." Wrong! Barry Hussein : "I am not a dictator." WRONG! The arrogant, pathological lying, POS! Again, Hussein is unable to see his reflection in the mirror. It's time he got the Nixon treatment. One man suppressing the millions is a dictator. He is a Dicktator. Why does he feel the need to keep saying this? This just shows that the subject is always
on his mind. Because it's always all about him. He could give a rats ass about what happens to the rest of us. For someone to make this claim so frequently is very telling. He is the Narcissist in Chief, and by repeating this over and over, it is clear that he certainly aspires to be a dicktator. He does what he wants, when he wants, for as long as he wants at whatever cost he wants. No one challenges him, no one stops him. In what way is he NOT a dictator? The problem is that the ones that we should expect to be doing just that are a bunch of spineless idiots. I try to avoid calling them the opposition party because when it comes to opposing, they do a rather shitty job of it. This empty suit just wants someone to blame if it doesn't go right, in this case, Congress. He lies and the brownshirt propagandist MSM pushes his message. He rules as a dictator, attacks those who disagree with him and God only knows what we don't know Hussein is doing. He is disgusting, rotten, and destroying our country. Intimidating, lying, shoving your ideology down our throats, pretty, pretty, pretty close to a dictatorship. If it looks like a dicktator, and sounds like a dicktator, it's a dicktator." MC
“I am not a dictator.”
“I am not a dictator. I am the president.”
So says Obama.
Via Weekly Standard:
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