The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Seven Year-Old Suspended For Fighting Pretend Evil Forces (Video)

 "More taxpayer-funded child abuse. What is going on here? Kid's can't play make believe anymore. Kid's can't play pretend? Hussein plays pretend everyday. He pretends the economy is healthy, pretends he is following the constitution, pretends he loves this country, and pretends he is an American citizen. Pretending is a big thing today in Hussein's world. Why is it OK for him
to play pretend and not this kid? Maybe this kid should have told the libtard school officials he was fighting off evil abortion protesters, or he was beating up a conservative, or he was pretending to be a Muslim and was praying to Allah. That would have been OK and probably saved the kid. There was a time teachers used to teach the kids how to read and write. Now they teach them to be weak, soft, tame, submissive people that are easy to control. When the hell did teachers get the right to raise your children instead of educating them?" MC

These poor kids are going to be so messed up in the head by the time they reach high school.
Now, fighting evil forces is a school violation.
Cain TV reported:
In Loveland Colorado, about 45 minutes North of Denver, a 7-year-old 2nd grader has been suspended for trying to save the world. It appears that the boy lobbed “an imaginary grenade into a box with what he called pretend evil forces inside.”
According to the child, he pretended to blow up the box “so nothing can get out and destroy the world.”
This is nuts.

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