The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Sunday, February 10, 2013

I Thought Using Kids As Political Props Was A Bad Thing

"Do these liberal scumbags ever say anything without lying. Is there anyone with a reasonable sense of intelligence actually believe that this kid, a fourth grader, an 8 year old, wrote this letter? Oh yeah, this 8 year old kid wrote this letter. Nancy Piglosi would have you believe that. If anyone believes a fourth grader wrote that letter without dictation from a parent or teacher, consider yourself a libtard.Yup the 4th grader wrote it by herself. Piglosi is a very sick person and shame on the mother for participating in this lie. You gotta wonder about a parent who would let their child
be used as propaganda. Hey, you can live in your fantasy world but those of us that live in the real world don't mind you making a fool of your self . This is political grand standing at its worst. Nancy Piglosi should be arrested along with every other liberal for even suggesting that our second amendment rights are up for grabs. She should not be the minority leader, she should be an inmate in federal prison. The woman is a frigging traitor to America and a despicable POS for taking that kid to put on display like some kind of pathetic trophy. Wouldn't except anything else of the Wicked Bitch of the West. She makes me f**king sick. Everything that this creature does is political grandstanding.  Note that she says they have "a small window of time" to enact their gun control measures.  That's because she knows that the American people have reacted emotionally to what happened at Sandy Hook, but do not want these gun control measures.  As soon as people calm down, they will reject this. It's painfully obvious that Piglosi is exploiting this child. It goes beyond abuse! Her gun control scam is not gaining traction in the Midwest, democraps won't risk their constituents, and they're embarrassed of her. Piglosi's gun control scheme is a loser, and she's scarring this child for life. Someday when this poor child grows up, she will realize that Piglosi exploited her much in the same way that Hitler exploited German children in the 1930s. Will these shameless people EVER tire of exploiting children for political gain? Probably not. They seem to be okay with Menendez molesting children for pleasure on the taxpayer dime. So I guess in a creepy, bizarre way it makes some kind of sense. Kids are no more to them than any other political tool to be brandished, used and later discarded. I wonder if this 4th grader know's or has heard of "partial birth abortion"that Queen Botox is so fond of , I pretty much doubt it. Here's what I think. The Republicans should counter and have Brian Terry's parents along with relatives of those killed in Benghazi as their invitees, and should seat them next to Holder ,and Hillary. Or how about bringing in people whose lives were saved by guns? Saved from intruders or other criminals? Nah, won't happen. Rebublicans are a bunch of pathetic cowards. Shameless libtard Democrats know no bounds to opportunism, exploitation and dangling any shiny object to distract and promote whatever agenda they can take advantage of. If the American people are this stupid, then we deserve what we get." MC

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced Friday that she will bring a fourth-grade girl from Newtown, CT to be her guest at the coming State of the Union Address. The mother of the fourth-grader will also attend. 
This particular child is not a student from Sandy Hook Elementary, but Pelosi chose her because of a letter she wrote asking government officials to "ban semi-automatic weapons."
She wrote:

What everyone in Newtown wants, is for you to ban semi-automatic weapons and large capacity magazines and to make everyone get gun safes. This is important so that a person cannot shoot many at once, and/or injure people badly. This ban will prevent individuals, families, and communities from suffering the way we have in Newtown.
Pelosi is currently pushing 14 gun control measures introduced to the House of Representatives by Democrat lawmakers. She remarked that Democrats have a "small window of time" to get their legislation through the House.
President Obama's State of the Union Address is scheduled for Tuesday night.

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