"Care to start a pool on how long JJ Jr. goes to prison for selling the congressional seat? Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. A guy named Jesse Jackson did something shady with somebody else’s money? Say it ain’t so! JJ Jr. wants to be remembered for what he did, right? He’s the spawn of Jesse the race baiter, philanderer, communist, whiner. It’s not in his genes or his personality or his conscience to worry about what is right or wrong, only what is of benefit to him. He won’t be
remembered at all the stupid weasel. He acknowledged that he had made his “share of mistakes.” Yea, like getting caught! That's the only mistake he regrets. Like father, like son, Jackson Jr. simply stole money in a different fashion than Jackson Sr. and the other so called civil rights leading race baitors. The son is so much like the father, only difference is that his old man is still at large. You MSM people make me sick. Playing this down while you throw a republican under the bus every chance you get. You will probably sweep this under the rug and not even go into on your news show tonight. Bipolar my ass, it is called getting caught. Call Al Sharpnuts. What is his conspiracy theory on this one? There are no journalists in the MSM. You are merely talking heads who think you know so much while you tout your own agendas and biases. You are sickening. And you call yourselves journalists? Like sitting in a garage makes you a car. You are all a joke. One thing is for sure, JJ JR. could always work for MSNBC as a political commentator when he gets out." MC
Former Illinois congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. has reached a plea agreement in connection to a federal probe into whether or not the troubled lawmaker misused campaign funds.
Earlier this month Jackson pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, mail fraud, and making false statements, sources close to the investigation told ABC’s Chicago station WLS. Jackson could now face up to five years in jail, a decision that will ultimately be made by a federal judge. The former congressman signed the plea deal on Feb. 1 in the nation’s capital.
The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Washington, D.C., which has been running this investigation, had no comment when contacted today by ABC News.
The plea agreement comes a little over two months after Jackson stepped down from Congress. In his resignation letter to House Speaker John Boehner, Jackson, D-Ill., acknowledged that he had made his “share of mistakes.”
“I am aware of the ongoing federal investigation into my activities and I am doing my best to address the situation responsibly, cooperate with the investigators, and accept responsibility for my mistakes, for they are my mistakes and mine alone,” he wrote in the letter. “None of us is immune from our share of shortcomings or human frailties and I pray that I will be remembered for what I did right.”
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