WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Sunday, February 3, 2013
Fluke: What if Employers Deny Leukemia Treatments on Religious Grounds?
"The slut speaks again.Will somebody tell this libtard her 15 minutes of fame are over. Who the fluke takes this moron seriously? Apparently BSNBC and the jerks who voted for Hussein does. If Obama had a white daughter, she would look just like Sandra Fluke. Do you think there is anyone in the world who could somehow make this libtard understand that not paying for
something is not the same as denying access to it? It's better to shut up and make people wonder how stupid you are rather than open your mouth and prove how stupid you are. And she's a voice of reason on the left. These people are so pathetic. I wonder which person in the White House is this bimbo shacking up with? Heaven knows she certainly did not reach this spot in life as a result of her intelligence. Birth control vs Leukemia? No one is this dumb are they? Apparently pregnancy is now equal to leukemia in the mindset of the citizens in Libtardville. The democraps need to reward this village idiot with a cushy political job. She definitely has the moronic brain to do a good job for her masters. Maybe the democraps can get her the vacant senate seat in Massachusetts, so that she can work with that other brilliant moron," fauxahontas". Hey Sandra, your father called and said he wants his sperm back. Only a libtard could equate treating leukemia to preventing pregnancy and then come to the conclusion that because they are the same, someone else should have to pay for it. It's too bad science hasn't discovered a cure for liberalism. That would be one disease I wouldn't object to my tax dollars paying for. In my opinion, Flukey is a lost cause for a cure, but would probably make an excellent lab rat. Evidently college has actually lowered her intelligence. Nice job Georgetown." MC
MSNBC is still scheduling Sandra Fluke as a guest; on Friday's NewsNation with Tamron Hall she claimed leukemia treatments and contraception coverage are the same in the eyes of those "religious employers" that want to use religious objections to deny "healthcare" coverage to employees.
I think what it is important to note is that some of the folks who are continuing to object to this policy are actually worried about employers who are private companies, not religiously affiliated employers in any way, but the boss has a particular religious concern and they want to be able deny their employees particular types of healthcare.
Now if you take a step back and think about that, that's, you know, you work at a restaurant, you work at a store and your boss is able to deny you leukemia coverage, or contraception coverage, or blood transfusions or any number of medical concerns that someone might have a religious objection to.
So the folks that are still objecting have some very extreme ideas about religious freedom and employee healthcare in this country.
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