WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Saturday, February 2, 2013
Disgraceful: Chris Matthews Smears John McCain as an 'Angry' Vietnam Vet Having a 'Flashback'
"Tingles is a sick, perverted, empty, disgusting alcoholic. I don't know who he hates more, true patriots or himself. Tingles, along with John "Traitor" Kerry and Hanoi Jane, is old enough to have been in one of those chickenhearted, radical, libtard, scumbags who spat on and insulted our returning Vietnam soldiers. Just remember that Chris Matthews, Jane Fonda, John Kerry, and Ho Chi Minh were on the same side 45 years ago.What a POS. Tingles is a coward who has never done anything worthwhile in his whole miserable f**king existence. Viewers (if there are any) are watching a complete asshole. In your demented mind, it's OK for you to slam vets, as long as they are Republicans. You don't hold Bill Clinton accountable for saying he "loathed" the military. You don't hold Hillary accountable for an Ambassador and others killed in Libya. You never question that phoney POS traitor Kerry for "getting" three purple hearts without having even stayed overnight in an Aid Station, Hospital, etc for "those" wounds. That's right you moron, Kerry came home and publicly indicted his buddies as murderers, rapists, and mutilators. Then he threw somebody else's medals over the White House fence. He's your hero. What a pathetic POS you are. Hey Tingles, John McCain is 1000 times the man you will ever be and he has accomplished a hell of lot more in his life than you ever have or will. It just pisses you off that his accomplishments will actually be remembered long after he is gone. But when you are dead and gone, you will not even be a speck in history. No one will remember the name Chris Matthews, except maybe when they are wiping they're ass after taking a shit. Then it will dawn on them, oh I remember that asshole Tingles Matthews.You can see by the amount of redness on his face of his rising blood pressure. And you gotta wonder how often the crew needs to clean the camera lens after Matthew's cranky rants. Patriots from the Right like John McCain just continue to make his blood boil. If Tingles keeps getting this worked up and excited from patriots like John McCain, he won't be long for this side of the topsoil. Keep up the good work John. You all know that I don't agree with John McCain's politics. I have made that known. But I would never, ever question his bravery, sacrifice, or patriotism for this country. Never. Some people are builders, others are destroyers of everything decent, and constitutional. Matthews is another destroyer. I've said all I care to say about Chris Matthews. He no longer warrants any serious thought or discussion on anything he says. He should be ignored and forgotten by history as another nobody who accomplished nothing of significance during his entire time on Earth." MC
Liberal anchor Chris Matthews on Friday stooped to new low, smearing John McCain as an "angry" Vietnam veteran who is having a "flashback." Resorting to the cheapest of stereotypes, the Hardball host attempted to explain why McCain so aggressively opposed Chuck Hagel's nomination to be Secretary of Defense.
Matthews opened the show by sneering, "Why is John McCain so angry? Forty years after the Vietnam POWs came home, the most famous of them is angrier than ever." Regarding Thursday's congressional hearings, the journalist asserted that Vietnam "flashbacks must haunt still the mind and heart of John Sidney McCain." Dredging up the cliches of the unstable Vietnam veteran, Matthews
declared, "...But I'm absolutely convinced we're watching a flashback."
Talking to liberal guests Joy Reid and David Corn, Matthews impunged the motives of McCain's questioning: "It looks like a flashback. McCain is so angry. Is it really about the surge?"
Considering how Matthews rails against the birther movement, it's shocking that he would turn around and engage in such cheap, paranoid attacks on a Vietnam veteran.
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