"What Happened? You reelected a lying POS. That's what happened. Someone, some where, is just now realizing how stupid they were for voting for this tyrant. Hey libtards, Barry doesn't need your vote anymore. He's after your money now. Surely, you idiots saw through that smooth talking Hollywood script? I really enjoy watching feel-good idiots encounter consequences. Pain in the paycheck is a great learning tool for liberal idiots. Obama wishes all you millionaires "Happy Tax Increase Day"! I guess the new definition of millionaires and billionaires are those with full time jobs.To a liberal the definition of rich is anyone who makes more than they do. Just wait until they find out they have to pay for the Obamacare they figured would be free when they voted for it. The meltdown will be epic.Those lefties are a materialistic bunch, aren't they? They are massive hypocrites, too. They think it's great when other people's money is stolen by the bloated government, but are horrified to learn that they are going to get bled too.The leftist peasants in America will learn the same lesson. When you're stupid and gullible, you can only learn the hard way. Now they will figure out they will get more on welfare and quit working. They figure wrong. There's no more money left. Since the pain will afflict all of us, their pain will be the only source of enjoyment I will get out of the next four years. Squeeze them hard, Barry! They love a good redistribution scheme until they find themselves on the "from" end of it. Liberals are very happy to spend money for real and imagined worthy causes, but they don't like to raise taxes on themselves to pay for it. They borrow money and expect their great grandchildren to pay for it while they congratulate themselves on their generosity. Obama is leading our country into an economic collapse that will make Greece and Spain look like nothing. At some point we won't be able to borrow any more, won't be able to pay back what was foolishly lent to the US government, and the worst of the Great Depression will look prosperous.Welcome to reality! Doesn't it suck?" MC
Congratulations, geniuses. Turns out you’re rich!
As Americans collected their first post-fiscal cliff paychecks this Friday, a surprising number of low information voters were shocked to discover that their take home pay went down.
Democratic Underground:
America: You break it, you buy it.
Happy New Year and happy payday! Thank goodness our “lord and savior” Obama signed the fiscal cliff bill into law after proudly proclaiming, “Under this law, more than 98 percent of Americans and 97 percent of small businesses will not see their income taxes go up.”
Promises, promises.
Now don't get me wrong, this tax increase sucks. I'd much rather have more money to spend on exotic vacations, foreign sportscars, yachts, precious jewels, private aircraft, small islands and other things we
millionaires and billionaires making over $450,000 a year and living in one of the highest cost-of-living areas in the country waste our massive stacks of excess cash on. But the fact that we have to send that money to the government now instead hurts the folks that work in those industries a lot worse than it hurts us.
Drew M.'s been saying something for a while that can't be repeated enough (paraphrasing): shielding people from the consequences of voting for "free stuff" is a losing battle.
So welcome to your tax increase, Obama voters. Elections have consequences.
The next time an Obamabot complains about taxes, or rising prices, or falling wages, or anything else having to do with the money coming out of his own pocket, you just need to ask him one question:
“Why are you so greedy?”
We tried to warn you, folks.
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