"Just another Libtard with plans on how to save the earth. How about this idea Einstein, if you really want to save on water just do your dishes while you’re taking a bath. That may keep the lefties happy". MC
Is there anything litards don’t want to control? They don’t want you to drive cars or SUV’s big enough for humans. They don’t want you to have guns. Or live in houses. Or use air conditioning. Or eat animals. They don’t want us to even eat glutens, whatever the hell those things are! Oh, how libtards love to put their annoying noses in our bidness. Now they are mandating you pee in the shower to save water! Now who is going to know if you pee in the shower or not? Unless you’re in prison….in which case, peeing in the shower for the sake of the environment is the least of your worries, junior!
I think Mr. Wassink has watched this too many times:
Some fuzzy little Norwegian prevert politician has come up with the novel idea of saving water by combining showers with urinating. Couldn’t he get the same results by asking people to bathe in their toilets? Either/or, I guess.
Fuzzy little Norwegian Bert Wassink is quoted as saying:
Nah, just crapping you negative, there. Here’s what he really said:
‘If you combine showers and peeing, you save a lot of water and money, so why not?’
Well, I have a why not for ya, Bert. What if I have to see a man about a horse (pee) but don’t need a
shower? AWD bathes daily as I’m not some cheese-eating, surrender monkey from France who bathes only when the stench can gag a maggot. Sometimes AWD bathes twice a day if I’ve done some exercising. Which means I only bathe once because I hate exercising. I might have to go #1 a couple of times in a day though because I drink a lot of fluids during the day. Does that mean I must fire up the shower in order to drain the main vein? Does’t make sense to me when I can just pee on the tires of my neighbor who has that little yapping bastid dog.
I haven’t done much research on the peeing habits of people in the shower but I’m sure Bert Wassink isn’t the first to come up with this novel, environmental gem. The Big Sexy was once arrested for peeing in a shower. But it was in Home Depot bathroom department and I had to go real bad. The 5-0 didn’t care that I was just trying to protect the environment. But AWD’s wife doesn’t mind if I sometimes pee in the shower. It’s the #2 in the shower that she has problems with.
AWD is all about saving the environment, though. So I recommend all those fuzzy little Noregian foreigners to go to ol’ Bert’s house and pee all over his lawn whenever they have to go. Hell, they can leave a #2 also if they have the need. I think it’s all bio-degradable…which is supposed to be good, I think. Think of all the water and fertilizing Bert can save on if everyone in his town pays his house a visit every time their back teeth are floating and they have to poop. It will resemble a big Occupy Wall Street event!
Liberals are driving my big, sexy ass crazy these days. They want to control everything that goes on in my life. Now they want to follow us into the shower to make sure we’re saving water. Although there are few things I think I would find more enjoyable than peeing on a libtard’s leg. Especially if it’s Al Gore!
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