WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013
First Lady Rolls Her Eyes at Speaker Boehner During Inaugural Lunch (Video)
"Can someone please tell Moochelle that it is not good manners to eat with your elbow and forearm on the table? Unbelievable. Has anyone ever seen an adult female in the public eye behave this way. Was she ever taught table manners. Sitting hunched over like that with her elbow on the table while shoveling food in her mouth like it's her last meal. Or maybe she was showing the people that elected her husband, see, we are just like you. I am so tired of the media telling us that Moochelle is one of the most amazing and classiest first ladies we’ve ever been blessed to have in the White House. She is not. And her table manners help to prove this. At least she is using her flatware, I'll give her that much. And Barry Husein, as usual, picking at and messing with his nose. Now, what is it that causes chronic nose irritation? Hmmm, would the answer be cocaine use? Why, yes I believe it would it would. What a pair. No class. Priceless clip. Four more years. We’re screwed. I wonder if she's eating the same bland lunch she dictates public school kids eat. And that look, it the same look a dog has when it’s afraid someone might snitch a bite of it's food. I think the plate of food she was inhaling was Boehner’s, and he was trying to tell her to give it back. Maybe they can get their liberal buddy, Bon Jovi to write a song for her like "You Give Etiquette a Bad Name". Since they turned the camera off, I’ll just assume she wiped her mouth with her sleeve, then belched. Just sayin. Moochelle needs to take some money from “Barry’s stash” and buy herself a personality. But let's give her a break. This is only the second time in her adult life that she is proud to be an American. No other country would give her what the UNITED STATES gave her. The country she can’t stand. You might want to start loving this great country instead of trashing it." MC
Barack Obama was actually cordial to Speaker Boehner at lunch today. He didn’t accuse him of poisoning the kids or killing children once during the meal.
Michelle Obama could only roll her eyes when Boehner was speaking to her husband.
Via Real Clear Video:
From the video:
At the inaugural celebration, Obama actually seems somewhat cordial to John Boehner, House Speaker. But Michelle is much too busy shoveling food into her mouth, and when Boehner tries to get her attention, she manages an eyeroll at him.
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