"Why not, he’s already dancing in the blood of 20 dead children.What a coward. Close your ears because today will be brainwashing day. Turn on the History Channel and watch the documentaries on Nazi Germany. It feels like I’m living in Germany during the 30′s. History repeating. The cult of personality. All of it. Standing on the cold dead bodies of 20 children and exploiting them for his fascist policy is not unexpected from this POS. Is he going to tell the children, they will now be less safe because of his Marxist policies. This is what the Democrap Libtards have become. They cannot discuss ideas, cannot discuss
differences with logic. Everything with them is to use emotions to get
their will. Oh, look
at these poor scared children, how can you not support us since we only want
to ease their worries. Problem is, many dumb Americans and all
the kool-ader's will buy this f**king garbage regardless of what it really does. Dumb, pathetic people. I'm going to say it, these parents are just as stupid to allow their children to be used as pawns in a very evil game of propaganda. The are just useful idiots, used by the regime to spread their propaganda to larger masses of low intelligence future useful idiots. And while he’s surrounding himself with “children”; telling them how
he’s looking out for them, how he cares for them, maybe he can explain to them how he supports
abortions that kill them. More children every day/every year than guns do?
Maybe he could point out which of those children are alive because their mother decided not to abort them. Those Muslim terrorists always hide behind children, when they aren’t killing them. Lying, fake POS. I
don’t want to watch our country go to hell with these people.
Personally, don’t you feel you are living in some other nation. That the
people in Washington are so out of touch and you want to scream and
shout from the roof tops, “LEAVE US THE F**K ALONE” PLEASE! Obama, Democraps, and the media see the terrible Sandy Hook massacre as
nothing more than an unexpected opportunity to do what they do whenever
an opportunity that can be exploited arises: poison and demagogue the
debate in a way so that it looks as though they’re solving a crisis when
the real goal is to seize freedoms they’re uncomfortable with and to
punish and demonize political opponents. Even though more poor black people were gunned down this year in Chicago
than in all the mass-shootings over the last decade or so, apparently
the media and White House have no interest in banning the hand guns
responsible for those murders. Like I said, this isn’t really about saving lives.This is about this president wanting to take away our freedoms, and nothing more." MC
The White House today announced that President Obama will surround
himself with children during his gun control announcement. President
Obama is planning to announce 19 executive actions on gun control.
The Examiner reported:
Carney said that the president will be joined by Vice
President Joe Biden as well as children who wrote to the president after
the Newtown shootings.
“They will be joined by children around the country expressing their
concerns about gun violence and school safety, along with their
parents,” Carney confirmed.
Megyn Kelly told her audience (in above video) a viewer suggested,
“Republicans should hold their own press conference with children whose lives were saved by guns.”
Great idea.
"Why not, he’s already dancing in the blood of 20 dead children.What a coward. Close your ears because today will be brainwashing day. Turn on the History Channel and watch the documentaries on Nazi Germany. It feels like I’m living in Germany during the 30′s. History repeating. The cult of personality. All of it. Standing on the cold dead bodies of 20 children and exploiting them for his fascist policy is not unexpected from this POS. Is he going to tell the children, they will now be less safe because of his Marxist policies. This is what the Democrap Libtards have become. They cannot discuss ideas, cannot discuss differences with logic. Everything with them is to use emotions to get their will. Oh, look at these poor scared children, how can you not support us since we only want to ease their worries. Problem is, many dumb Americans and all the kool-ader's will buy this f**king garbage regardless of what it really does. Dumb, pathetic people. I'm going to say it, these parents are just as stupid to allow their children to be used as pawns in a very evil game of propaganda. The are just useful idiots, used by the regime to spread their propaganda to larger masses of low intelligence future useful idiots. And while he’s surrounding himself with “children”; telling them how he’s looking out for them, how he cares for them, maybe he can explain to them how he supports abortions that kill them. More children every day/every year than guns do? Maybe he could point out which of those children are alive because their mother decided not to abort them. Those Muslim terrorists always hide behind children, when they aren’t killing them. Lying, fake POS. I don’t want to watch our country go to hell with these people. Personally, don’t you feel you are living in some other nation. That the people in Washington are so out of touch and you want to scream and shout from the roof tops, “LEAVE US THE F**K ALONE” PLEASE! Obama, Democraps, and the media see the terrible Sandy Hook massacre as nothing more than an unexpected opportunity to do what they do whenever an opportunity that can be exploited arises: poison and demagogue the debate in a way so that it looks as though they’re solving a crisis when the real goal is to seize freedoms they’re uncomfortable with and to punish and demonize political opponents. Even though more poor black people were gunned down this year in Chicago than in all the mass-shootings over the last decade or so, apparently the media and White House have no interest in banning the hand guns responsible for those murders. Like I said, this isn’t really about saving lives.This is about this president wanting to take away our freedoms, and nothing more." MC