The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Friday, December 21, 2012

Yawn ! Michael More-Donuts Says “gun owners are racists”….

"When the hell is Greenpeace going to get around to hauling his bloated carcass out to sea where it belongs? This guy is a pretender. He pretends he is talented. He pretends he is an artist. He pretends he is an American. In reality, he is nothing more than a Progressive, who wishes to enslave mankind with his fascist ideology. The best way to handle him is to ignore him. He is in fact insignificant, treat him as such". MC

After the Sandy Hook shooting, Michael Moore was somehow able to tie the tragedy to what he believes is America’s inherent racism and awfulness.

 What a pig.

The Daily Caller reported:

Friday night, on the heels of last week’s mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn., the left-leaning Current TV is planning to air progressive filmmaker Michael Moore’s ten-year-old Columbine documentary “Bowling for Columbine,” with Moore revisiting the film to accuse American gun-owners of being motivated by racial fears.
Gun ownership, Moore said, “cuts down to the heart of our race problem that we still haven’t resolved.”
“I think we’re a very frightened people,” Moore said. “I think we’ve been frightened ever since we landed on these shores. We were frightened of the native people.; we were frightened of the slaves we brought over, as we should have been. And those in power have known how to manipulate us with fear. And we’ve started wars over being told lies about, you know — whether it was in the Spanish-American War, the Mexican-American War. You can go through so many of these wars we’ve been in throughout history — right up through the Iraq War — where we’re just lied to because those in power knew if they just put enough fear out there. And the best kind of fear is the one that has the kernel of truth, so you have 9/11 happened — that’s a real incident, nearly 3,000 people lose their lives. Very easy at that point to use that fact in a way to tell a fiction.”
But according to Moore, it’s that fear that causes Americans want to own gun, which he tied to race by explaining high levels of citizen gun ownership exist “in suburbs and rural areas.”
What absolute idiocy. It’s stunning that so many leftists worship this nut.

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