"I am surprised he didn’t just sum it all up with the word “bummer”. Sloppiness is what you get when you elect an incompetent communist for president. Obama has no soul and no heart. He couldn’t care less about Americans dying, especially military. He is a horror of a human being and it is beyond my comprehension that people would vote for him once, much less twice. Sad commentary on the intelligence of many Americans who are still bowing at the feet of this POS. All Obama cares about is his marxist beliefs and fundamentally changing America. If he can destroy Israel at the same time, he will be even happier. I hope he rots where he deserves to go". MC
Just Some Sloppiness
Today Barack Obama blamed the Benghazi 9-11 terror attacks on “sloppiness”.
This is what Obama means by “sloppiness”-
** Benghazi Terrorists Were Armed By Obama
** US Benghazi SEALs Had Laser Capability and Waited Five Hours For Air Support… But It Never Came
** Obama Administration Was Warned 3 Hours Before Benghazi Attack – Did Nothing
** Ambassador Stevens Called for Help During Benghazi Attack …(But Obama Did Nothing)
** August Cable Signed By Ambassador Stevens Warned Benghazi Consulate Couldn’t Withstand ‘Coordinated Attack’
** There were four previous Islamist attacks in Benghazi this year before the 9-11 terrorist attack.
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