The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Friday, December 14, 2012

Republican and the Super Pacs Should Buy MSNBC

"I mentioned this idea month's back saying that Donald trump should gather investors and buy one of the major networks. Fight back". MC

The New York Post published an article by Glenn Reynolds in which he suggests that money donated to Republicans and the Super PACs which support them would be better spent buying some magazines and websites.
In other words, if you can’t beat ‘em, buy ‘em…
My suggestion: Buy some women’s magazines. No, really. Or at least some women’s Web sites.
One of the groups with whom Romney did worst was female “low-information voters.” Those are women who don’t really follow politics, and vote based on a vague sense of who’s mean and who’s nice, who’s cool and who’s uncool.
Since, by definition, they don’t pay much attention to political news, they get this sense from what they do read. And for many, that’s traditional women’s magazines — Redbook, Cosmopolitan, Glamour, the Ladies Home Journal, etc. — and the newer women’s sites like YourTango, The Frisky, Yahoo! Shine, and the like.
The thing is, those magazines and Web sites see themselves, pretty consciously, as a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party. So while nine out of 10 articles may be the usual stuff on sex, diet and shopping, the 10th will always be either soft p.r. for the Democrats or soft — or sometimes not-so-soft — hits on Republicans.
When a flier about getting away with rape was found in a college men’s bathroom, the women’s site YourTango (“Your Best Love Life”) led with the fact that the college was Paul Ryan’s alma materin a transparent effort to advance the Democrats’ War on Women claim that Republicans are somehow pro-rape. A companion article was “12 Hot Older Men Who Endorse President Obama.”
I love this idea but I’d like to take it a step further.
The Koch Brothers should buy MSNBC and turn it over to conservative bloggers. That concludes today’s Live at Five Report with Stacy McCain and Smitty. Coming up at 6, Bill Whittle followed by Jim Geraghty and William Jacobson at 7 and Glenn Reynolds at 8. Ratings at MSNBC would go up as FOX News found itself competing for viewers for the first time since launching.
Sheldon Adelson should buy CNN and turn it over to NewsBusters which could spend 24 hours a day pointing out the inaccuracies and lies of liberal media on TV and in print. After all, the liberal media has no idea how biased it is.

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