Newtown, Connecticut residents are holding a memorial service tonight for the twenty-six victims of Friday’s school shooting.
Twenty children and six teachers were shot dead in the second worse school shooting in US history.
President Obama spoke at the prayer service.
Dear Leader just wanted to send us a media release informing us that “he” wrote his speech for tonight. y’ know, because, well, it’s not like his ego is all about him or anything…. no, wait.
Michelle Obama didn’t think much of the families of the victims of the Newtown Sandy hook school
shooting. When Obama made his photo op and propaganda speech, she was no where to be found. Maybe she’s busy packing for the Obama $4 million 3 week Hawaii vacation. What a slap in the face to that families of the victims it must have been that the ‘First Lady’ of the United States didn’t even bother coming. For Obama’s propaganda speech, he once again made the speech about himself, and threatened gun control by ‘whatever power this office holds.’
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