WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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We Are So Back
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Feature Post; McConnell offers to vote on Obama’s Fiscal Cliff plan, Reid objects.
"The first vote on Obama’s 2013 budget in the Senate was 97-0 against. The second vote was 99-0 against. The budget was rejected 414-0 in the House. That’s 513-0. He can’t even get one Democrat to vote for his budgets! Reid obviously thinks a 100-0 or close to it vote against Obama’s Fiscal Cliff Bill would be humiliating for a President who’s supposed to have clout after being re-elected. Can you imagine the media screams of “Dereliction of duty!” if Bush had sent up budgets not one Republican would vote for, going down 500 plus to nothing? Keep the heat on". MC
Obama’s plan includes a $2 trillion tax hike and $400 billion in new “stimulus”… can’t imagine why they don’t want to vote on it.
Was Obama’s offer serious? No, of course not, nor was Obama’s last budget which got defeated 99- 0 on the Senate floor, last May.
And so on the Senate floor, Wednesday, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell proved it by offering to give Democrats a chance to vote on Obama’s joke of a proposal:
Reid called McConnell’s offer a Republican “stunt,” but how is bringing Obama’s supposedly serious proposal to the floor a “stunt”? Is not the proposal itself, with it’s tax hikes, increased spending, and elimination of the debt ceiling a stunt, and a really bad joke?(although McConnell did laugh at it.) Isn’t Reid really objecting to the exposure of the President’s bad joke and bad faith to the public, (even though the MSM will do its best to bury the news of it?)
Gee, is it possible these morons want to go over the fiscal cliff so they can get everything they want (higher taxes on everyone, gut the military) and blame it on the Republicans? Is it possible that virtually everything these pathetic, perennially projecting reprobates do is a politically calculated “stunt”?
Don’t worry, Reid’s discomfort was only temporary. He’ll be back tomorrow to talk about how serious the President’s plan is, and how the Republicans are just playing games and holding the middle class hostage – more dangerous than al Qaeda, they are..
I still can’t believe America voted for four more years of this crap.
Krauthammer says Obama Already has U.S. more than Halfway to Collapse of Dollar and the Economy:
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