WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Monday, December 31, 2012
Merry Christmas and a Happy NewAmerica
Dr. Owens on Obama's America: Incentive is stifled by entitlements, and innovation is strangled by regulation.
In December of 1914 in the first bitter winter of a long bitter war the soldiers of the German Empire and the soldiers of the British Empire defied the orders of their officers. They abandoned their hastily dug entrenchments that would soon grow into an elaborate maze of trenches stretching fromSwitzerland to theEnglish Channel to meet each other in no man’s land. They sang hymns and exchanged gifts in a spontaneous outpouring of the feelings of peace, fellowship, and forgiveness which were then the staples of a Christ centered Christmas season.
If you drench yourself in the torrent of Christmas movies that bombard us from Thanksgiving till December 25th you see that the spirit of Christmas in emotionalAmerica isn’t about the Christ child who came into a
The 40 Most Obnoxious Quotes Of 2012
40) It’s something I was very
hesitant about, but we’re the only mammals who don’t ingest our own placentas.
It’s not witchcrafty or anything! I suggest it to all moms! — January Jones
39) Y’all better vote for f——g
Obama, OK? For better or for worse, we have a black Muslim in the White House.
Now, …that’s some amazing s—-t. It means there is hope in this country. — Madonna
38) Seniors love getting junk
mail. It’s sometimes their only way of communicating or feeling like they’re
part of the real world. — Harry Reid
37) Every single thing in my life
is built around race. — Jamie Foxx
36) The private sector is doing
fine. — Barack Obama
35) All over Montana, you can
walk into a bar, a café or even a school or a courthouse and just listen for a
while as people talk to each other. And you will hear somebody, before very
long, say something outrageously racist. — Montana’s
Democratic Gov. Brian Schweitzer
Unreal… Obama Blames Benghazi 9-11 Terror Attack on “Just Some Sloppiness”
"I am surprised he didn’t just sum it all up with the word “bummer”. Sloppiness is what you get when you elect an incompetent communist for president. Obama has no soul and no heart. He couldn’t care less about Americans dying, especially military. He is a horror of a human being and it is beyond my comprehension that people would vote for him once, much less twice. Sad commentary on the intelligence of many Americans who are still bowing at the feet of this POS. All Obama cares about is his marxist beliefs and fundamentally changing America. If he can destroy Israel at the same time, he will be even happier. I hope he rots where he deserves to go". MC
Just Some Sloppiness
Today Barack Obama blamed the Benghazi 9-11 terror attacks on “sloppiness”.
This is what Obama means by “sloppiness”-
** Benghazi Terrorists Were Armed By Obama
Hillary Clinton Admitted to Hospital With Blood Clot Following Concussion
"Call me callous. I really don't give a shit. The Clinton's lie so much, you can’t believe them. EVER! When you are a liar, when you husband is a liar and you work for a liar, it is very hard to take anything about you at face value. One would like to be able to say, what a shame, hope she gets better, but…..I just can’t help but believe this is just a sham to keep her from testifying about sitting on her butt and watching Americans die while doing nothing, with Obama sitting next to her eating popcorn. Sad and pathetic picture but one I think is accurate.Now it is rumored it’s not a concussion. She got a serious head injury in a plane crash 3 weeks ago in Iran. That a Navy Seal was killed in this crash. The same Navy Seal that was reported last week to have committed suicide in Afghanistan? I cannot stand the stench from the lies, cover ups and corruption! I just can't believe anything these people say. I think the only blockage she has is the blockage in her testimony. Let's face it, Bengahazi will keep her out of the White House in 2016. She knows this, Bill knows this and America will finally figure this out, hopefully. The news media will be in full panic/cover up mode before the next election. This will be Hillary’s last chance to grab the brass ring and she is not going down without a dose of Clinton lying and deception. You know who actually believes this story, the libtards. They actually believe the economy is in “recovery”, that punishing success is somehow a good idea and that everything Obama tells them is true. So of course they believe it. After all, there’s no cure for stupid. The sorry truth is, this could all be true. But when you have lied so much, it's like the boy who cried wolf, nobody believes you anymore. Well here’s just another ‘bump in the road’. So let’s hope for the best! (Now Libtards, take that any way you want.)" MC
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton admitted to hospital with blood clot following a concussion she suffered earlier this month.
FOX News reported:
Oh Great – US Will Continue To Pay One Fifth Of UN Budget
"The US taxpayers should start wearing signs on their backs that says, "SUCKERS!" If we had any brains we'd send the UN a bill for all expenses to the US
since 1945. Then give them 15 minutes to evacuate their New York
headquarters before bulldozing it into Turtle Bay. It's time they all packed up to go home to their respective countries.
No where in the world does any other country pay so much for an entity
that does so little for the host country. Why do we pay any money to the UN? Problem is it is not the American people who approve of these payments
to the United Nations, it is our Traitorous Politicians that approve of
these payments. We need to get these Traitors out of office in both the
Republican and Democratic Parties. It's bad enough they have their headquarters here and
everyone that's part of them can break the law here with impunity. That
should be more than enough in compensation. How do they figure we have
the money to give them? We're broke. If they don't know that much about
what's going on in the world then why do they even exist? Screw them!
They should be paying us money to have their headquarters here. The UN should be shut down and their Communist butts sent packing! Get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US". MC
The United Nations has almost 200 member nations, yet the United States pays more than one fifth of the group’s budget. This, even though the UN constantly works to undermine the US. Good grief.
Worse yet, our UN representative is quite pleased that we will continue to shoulder this burden for another three years.
In one of its last actions of the year, the United Nations General Assembly on Christmas Eve agreed to
The United Nations has almost 200 member nations, yet the United States pays more than one fifth of the group’s budget. This, even though the UN constantly works to undermine the US. Good grief.
Worse yet, our UN representative is quite pleased that we will continue to shoulder this burden for another three years.
In one of its last actions of the year, the United Nations General Assembly on Christmas Eve agreed to
18 Guaranteed Day-Ruining Moments
No matter how good things were going beforehand…it is 100-percent
guaranteed that your entire day would be ruined if you encountered any
one of these scenarios.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Congratulations on your 500th homicide!
"And the winner of the 500th homicide is, Nathaniel Jackson. You win a free trip to, "The Morgue". Congratulations! How’s that gun control workin’ out for ya Rahmbo? Gun control at its finest. Barry and his Chicago pals should be very proud of this accomplishment. Gentlemen, clearly this situation requires ummm, even more strict liberal gun control! From now on, Chicago is on.. umm.. Double Secret gun control! Seriously now, Chitown and the Motor City, once beacons are now shitholes. Sad, ain’t it? Just step back and look at these cities as it relates to murders and abortions. At the rate of the killing of black babies and young black adults in the streets by other blacks it is a wonder that the black population is sustainable. Liberal politicians have run this town forever, black race baiters have stolen from this town and yet the people are convinced that they are the only ones they can depend on to help them and that they are being held back by the white man. Go figure. Hey, maybe the Libtards can put a tax on homicides. Can you imagine the revenue if Chicago taxed homicides? Yeah, that's it. Never let a crisis go to waste". MC
Chicago reaches 500 homicides with fatal shooting
The last time the city reached
the 500-homicide mark was in 2008, when the year ended with 512
killings. Last year, city records show Chicago had 435 homicides.
On Thursday, officials with
the Chicago Police Department said the city was one homicide away from
Why the Founding Fathers Matter
"Seems Mr Jefferson was as much a prophet, as a Founding Father. Sadly , a list of warnings like this can be used as a list of things to do to destroy the nation by doing the opposite. Any move towards defending the Constitution or the Bill of Rights will label you as a domestic terrorist pretty soon. Meanwhile, the federal backed storm-troopers have been arming themselves heavily. The 47 percent Romney talked about are bought off, basically paid with Food-Stamps not to riot. Not yet anyway. Some older folks on Social Security will never go against a government that provides for them. The MSM is bought off too; and the MSM now have the power. You will be forced into the Obama-nation or you’ll be destroyed. Need proof? Look no further than the way Healthcare was forced down our throats. Unless, unless, something astonishing happens, America as we know it, will cease to exist. There are enough of us that can see that it does not happen". MC
It has become typical in school text books, in public discussions, and in the smug wisdom of Progressives, to diminish the words and actions of those who led the founding of the United States. However, now that the nation has gone through what Al Gore called a “wrenching transformation” away from limited government, free enterprise, and individual liberty (all major ingredients to making the US the freest and most prosperous nation in history) it’s time to listen again to their wisdom.
Thomas Jefferson warned us to …
Avoid Sustainable Development: “When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe.”Avoid the Welfare State: “The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are
Can You Spot What’s Wrong With This White House Statement on the Passing of Gen. Schwarzkopf?
"This doesn't surprise me, but it still burns my ass. This POS President will never thank an American hero for defending Liberty from the radical Islamic terrorists. It is against his religion, and we all know what that is. It's pretty simple really. Obama is a muslim, believe it or not, and the General killed lots of muslims. The General is an American hero and legend. The president is a vile, treasonous snake, who cannot be trusted by the country he rules. Now that I think about it, if I were the Schwarzkopf family, I would be thrilled that the America hating POS in the White House did not send the family any message at all. Now, that would be an honor! And so, to the General’s family on his passing; my sympathy, he truly was a great American". MC
Let’s play a game.
Let’s see if you can spot what’s wrong with the White House’s initial statement on the passing of Gen. “Stormin’” Norman Schwarzkopf:
“With the passing of General Norman Schwarzkopf, we’ve lost an American original. From his decorated service in Vietnam to the historic liberation of Kuwait and his leadership of United States Central Command, General Schwarzkopf stood tall for the country and Army he loved,” reads the original message, which was sent by the White House at 9:45 p.m. ET Thursday night.
“Our prayers are with the Schwarzkopf family, who tonight can know that his legacy will endure in a nation that is more secure because of his patriotic service,” the well-written and heartfelt statement adds.
So have you figured out what’s wrong yet?
Democrats’ $1 Trillion Obamacare Tax Hike to Hit American Producers on January 1
"Once again we’ll learn the hard way—again! That is elections have consequences. Again I have to ask the question, isn't it morally “stealing” when a government takes excessive amounts of
private wealth? I am not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination, but
if the wealthy do not have the same property rights as everybody else
how can they call this as fairness. Today they will steal their money and, when they find out that even that isn't enough, then
tomorrow they will take ours. You think that's not the case? Obama and his Communist
friends have contempt for America and all it’s citizens and all of it’s
founding Principles and Laws. Like Communists everywhere they use the power of government to make all of us their servants. Boy do the Marxists love it when their plans come together. Once again to all you Obama voters, this is the change you voted for. This is the change you got. Thank you for not only electing, but reelecting the most unqualified and inept person ever to the Presidency. You low to no educated voters can complain all you want, you caused
this to happen. Enjoy it with the rest of us, however I pay taxes and
many of the Obamabots do not. So why should you give a shit? So keep electing whoever promises them the biggest return for your vote. I have news for you, when these taxes kick in, and businesses all
across America start raising their prices to compensate, you Obamabots will be in for a
rude awakening. I know that there will be raising of the prices of the goods that are sold, and there will
also be raising of the rents on the properties people own, because they will have
to. And, every business owner in America will be doing the same
thing. And when the price of gasoline, utilities, and everything else you buy goes
up 50%, they will have no choice but to raise their prices too. Nobody
will escape this, and in reality, it’s the lower income classes who will
suffer the most, because they have the least amount of disposable
income. And you will deserve it. Keep drinking the "KOOL-AID". Yes, elections have consequences, and I think a bunch of you “low information”, Obamabot
voters are about to learn a very valuable lesson in economics. There is
no such thing as a free lunch. I was taught that at an early age. Too bad you didn't or choose not to". MC
Back in October Joe Biden warned America that the Obama Administration was going to raise taxes by a trillion dollars.
He wasn’t kidding.
On January 1, 2013 American producers can expect a trillion dollar Obamacare tax hike.
Americans for Tax Reform reported:
On January 1, regardless of the outcome of fiscal cliff negotiations, Americans will be hit with a $1 trillion Obamacare tax hike.
Obamacare contains twenty new or higher taxes. Five of the taxes hit for the first time on
Piers Morgan Threatens To Satisfy America By Leaving It
"Well, no one's stopping you Jackass. Stop teasing us. Pack your gear and get the hell out of here. No doubt we'd all pitch in to buy you a ticket on the earliest flight out. Can you be ready to go Monday morning"? MC
CNN’s Piers Morgan is clearly freaked out by the petition to have him deported.
He is now threatening to leave the country on his own.
Maybe Romney was onto something with that whole self-deportation thing…
The ‘more guns, less crime’ argument is utter nonsense. Britain, after Dunblane, introduced some of the toughest gun laws in Europe, and we average just 35 gun murders a year.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
While the Rest of the Country Suffers… Obama Gives Joe Biden and Congress a Raise
"Happy Freaking New Year. He won’t even try to hide his contempt for us over the next four years". MC
President Obama just issued an executive order to thaw out the rather over-hyped “pay freeze” on various federal employees, “in effect giving some federal workers a raise,” as the Weekly Standard reports. This probably wasn’t the best moment for the freeze to end, from an “optics” standpoint. Then again, why not? What are you going to do about it?
Under Obama the median US household income has dropped $4,520 a year but that didn’t stop him from giving Joe Biden and Congress a raise.
Barack Obama issued an executive order giving a pay raise to Joe Biden and members of Congress.
The Weekly Standard reported:
President Barack Obama issued an executive order to end the pay freeze on federal
450 Teachers Apply for 24 Spots in a Free Ohio Firearms Training
Let's hear it for reality
"What do you know, reality is begining to set in. Barry and the Libtards are going to foam at the mouth when they hear about this". MC
Don’t tell Senator Feinstein.
More than 450 teachers and other school employees applied for 24 spots in a free Ohio firearms training program.
The Columbus Dispatch reported, via Free Republic:
More than 450 teachers and other school employees from around Ohio have applied for 24
WTF is Jesse Jackson Talking About??
"For the life of me I can’t understand a fu**ing thing he is saying. This race baitor uses the same lines for every question.
“Reverend Jackson, why would gun laws work elsewhere if they don’t work in Chicago?”
“Well, you know, civil rights, voting rights, racial justice, equal opportunity, access to capital, atmosphere of hostility, 800 inmates, education, immigrant rights, Martin Luther King.”
“Reverend, how’s the weather in Chicago right now?”
“Well, uh, civil rights, voting rights, racial justice, equal opportunity…”
He dances around the question better than Sammy Davis Jr. Went to a prison and asked, "How mana of ya are victim of the gunshah". Brilliant. He went to a prison and discovered nearly all the inmates had shot someone. Who knew? Is there a version of this video with English subtitles? Seriously, does he have a speech impediment? I made it to 45 seconds before my brain started to hurt! Reminds me of a movie from awhile back:
Alas, we need sub titles for Jesse". MC
Jesse Jackson on gun control.
Michelle’s Yellow Toes
"Okay, that dress is distracting me. Who in Gods name lets her out in public dressed like that? Why do they have to make it a point to dress like it’s laundry day. Or is she trying to tell us something about Barry with a dress that is half black and half white. It looks like she took a table
The Obama Green Energy Scam You May Have Missed
"CORRUPTION ABOUNDS in Barry's Administration. Are you surprised? If anyone out here in the real world tried this sort of business they'd be in prison. It's called money laundering. Or bribery. Take your pick. This is just one of the many slush funds being administered by the criminal enterprise in the White House. These are deals in which tax payer money is traded for campaign donations. It is illegal and an impeachable offense. It is exactly why Obama's dear friend, Blogo, is in jail. It is also much like what Demonrats do with public/private unions, "We'll give you massive amounts of campaign cash and strong arm our members to vote for you and we get laws and labor decisions that fatten our wallets." All this at the expense of the American Tax-payer. Oh and don't forget GE. Moving jobs to China and paying no taxes, and getting a $6 billion rebate check. It must be nice to have friends in high places. If there was anyone but a communist in the White House the press would have exposed this years ago, with people going to prison. This administration is working against us and we keep putting up with it. Nice job voting, America! When are you going to wake up"? MC
Three of the country's biggest residential solar panel installers -- SolarCity, SunRun and Sungevity -- have been subpoenaed by Treasury's Office of Inspector General for their financial records to determine if they had inflated the market value of their costs when they applied for federal reimbursement.
The firms have reportedly received more than $500 million in federal grants and tax credits. Officials in two of them, Solar-City and SunRun, have been among some of Obama's most generous campaign donors.
The money these companies tapped into flowed from a $13 billion investment fund in Treasury that came from the president's economic stimulus program which has poured huge sums of money into clean energy programs across the country.
Obama has sunk billions of tax dollars into a scandal-ridden swamp of other energy deals that were crafted and promoted by administration business cronies who also were among his biggest fundraisers.
After an exhaustive analysis of thousands of memos, company records and internal e-mails about Obama's green-technology spending program, the Washington Post concluded that it was "infused with politics" at every level of the decision-making process. Political considerations dominated the White House's deal-making and all too often overruled warnings that billions of tax dollars would be lost on shaky energy projects that should never have been approved.
Take, for example, Sanjay Wagle, a venture capitalist and one of Obama's fundraisers in 2008. He left his firm in California to work in Obama's Energy Department on a $40 billion spending program to stimulate the economy by investing in clean technology companies.
It's questionable just how much "stimulus" much of this money provided to the economy when unemployment
Thanks Barack… US Holiday Sales Worst Since 2008
It’s an Obama Christmas…
The numbers are coming in and it looks like this year’s holiday sales were the worst since 2008.
Freep.com reported:
U.S. holiday retail sales this year were the weakest since 2008, when the nation was in a deep recession. In 2012, the shopping season was disrupted by bad weather and consumers’ rising uncertainty about the economy.
A report that tracks spending on popular holiday goods, the MasterCard Advisors
Friday, December 28, 2012
Democrat House and Senate Members Call for Investigation of Popular Philanthropist and North Pole Businessman
It is reported today that leading Democrat House and Senate members are calling for an congressional investigation of North Pole Businessman and Philanthropist, S. Claus, on allegations of a possibly conspiracy with American Retailers such as Wal-mart, Target, Macys and many others involving profiteering.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Cal) accused Mr. Claus of conspiring for years by way of a made up holiday to enrich himself as well as already wealthy retail and related industry CEO's.
"This conspiracy involves duping small businesses and households to spend their already stretched resources, money that could be otherwise used to support a government the people want and demand." Pelosi announced. "This is Big Business Trickery and Greed at it's worst and we plan pressure congress to look into it throughly."
Even more egregious accusation were leveled at Mr. Claus by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano . "For years NORAD has monitored Mr.
MSNBC’s Touré: ‘I Have a Right to Know…Who Has a Gun and Who Doesn’t’
"BSNBC and their leftist hosts wear me out. This guy as proven himself as an ass-wipe many, many times. And again he doesn’t disappoint. Really, how does someone that stupid feed himself or even breath. I love how these people talk like these problems of the inner city, resulting from poor parenting, irresponsible fathers knocking up 5 different women, not getting married, nor financially taking care of their children, makes their problems "our" problem. And by the way libtard, care to enlighten me as to where your right to know anything about your neighbors is guaranteed in The Constitution or ensuing Amendments? The only rights you have are the rights to remain black, stupid, and a racist. Touré then explained that firearms are the leading cause of death in nearly every age category. Really? Lets see that statistic proving that little bit of bullshit. Do some research. The leading cause is automobile accidents, but liberals never let facts get in the way of their opinion. I hate it when libtard's make these blanket statements, the media spreads them, & the feeble minded liberals buy it without one moment’s thought as to if that is really true or not. Hey everybody, Touré is not a gun owner. Hey bad guys, here is your mark"! MC
A weekly publication in New York, The Journal News, has come under fire for publishing the names and addresses of pistol permit holders in two New York counties. On Thursday, the publication got some help from a couple of MSNBC hosts who defended the paper’s actions.
During Thursday’s edition of “The Cycle,” co-host Touré argued that he has every right to know the identity of every gun owner around him.
“I have a right to know, I think, to know who has a gun and who doesn’t,” Touré said. “Maybe I don’t want to go there, maybe I don’t want my kids going there.”
He went on to claim that guns are far more likely to be used against friends and family than against home intruders.
“We treat guns as a private choice, but they are really a public matter in that having a gun impacts the local
Holy Schlitz, I Actually Agree With a Matt Damon Comment
"He must have been Bourne stupid". MC
Here’s what the Libtard said:
Via Politico:

What’s the answer? Term limits? I don’t think so. That would only ensure that we go head to head every cycle, spending bundles of cash, with a terrible ideology that shouldn’t be a part of our landscape in the first place.
No, like the penishead said, we need to think long-term. Our culture doesn’t get shaped from the government down. Our government is a representation of our education from the bottom up.
It sounds trite, but it is imperative to retake the schools, organizations, pop culture and journalism. Every kid you can mentor, do it. Even if it’s just a one-time small conversation.
Here’s what the Libtard said:
Via Politico:
“We’re at a point where politicians don’t really get any benefit from engaging with long-term issues. Instead, it’s all about the next election cycle. Those guys in the House don’t do anything now but run for office. So unless they can find some little thing that zips them up a couple of points in the polls, they’re not interested.”Remarkably, we agree on this point, but for different reasons and with entirely different long-term visions in mind.
What’s the answer? Term limits? I don’t think so. That would only ensure that we go head to head every cycle, spending bundles of cash, with a terrible ideology that shouldn’t be a part of our landscape in the first place.
No, like the penishead said, we need to think long-term. Our culture doesn’t get shaped from the government down. Our government is a representation of our education from the bottom up.
It sounds trite, but it is imperative to retake the schools, organizations, pop culture and journalism. Every kid you can mentor, do it. Even if it’s just a one-time small conversation.
USA Today Poll Finds 54% Have A Favorable Opinion Of The NRA – Leftist Heads Exploding Coast To Coast….
WASHINGTON -- A majority of Americans support stricter gun laws in the aftermath of the Newtown school shooting, but most oppose banning assault weapons, a move that is backed by President Obama as a step to curb gun violence, according to a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll.
Fifty-eight percent of Americans now say they favor stricter gun laws, up from 43% in October 2011. And the American public, which favored enforcing existing gun laws over passing new ones by a 60%-35% in 2011, now is split on the issue, with 46% favoring enforcing current laws and 47% favoring passing new ones.
In terms of specific laws, however, the ban on assault weapons, which are a favorite target of gun control advocates — including Obama -- hasn't gained any significant support, according to the poll. Forty-four percent support such a move and 51% are against it. In October 2011, 43% supported an assault weapons ban and 51% said they were against it.
National Rifle Association President David Keene said he wasn't surprised by the uptick of respondents who
Sotomayor Ruled in Favor of Muslim Inmate’s Ramadan Dinner But Rejected Christian Hobby Lobby’s Appeal for HHS Exemption
"Another Communist/ Socialist/ Islamic Fascist Sympathizer in our government; just move along, there is nothing new here. But remember, she is a “WISE LATINA” that was only wrong 70% of the time (i.e. 70% of her decisions were reversed by a higher court). But in a libtard world, being right 30% of the time gets you a supreme court nomination. Where I came from, a 30% grade was not considered outstanding, but hey, we have to dumb things down for people like here. If you cannot see what is taking place before your eyes then you my fellow Americans are blind. If what you see is not blatant partiality in its highest regard then again you are plain ignorant. This goes by the name payback. It’s their form of paying back what was given to them in mass voting/ money.What better way to break your opponent than by making him/her betray they’re core beliefs". MC
Justice Sotomayor ruled in favor of Muslim inmates but ruled against Christian business owners.
The Supreme Court denied a request by Hobby Lobby, a Christian-owned company, to shield the company from the controversial contraceptive mandate. Justice Sonia Sotomayor rejected a request for an emergency injunction that would have shielded employers from the mandate. Hobby Lobby could face fines of up to $1.3 million a day if they do not comply to the Obama mandate.
Yet, as Laura Ingraham pointed out, in a previous case Sotomayor ruled for a Muslim inmate who was
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Contender For Headline Of The Year: With Election Over, Americans Find They Were Duped By Democrats And Obama
"I am getting sick and tired at those that comment: "Oh, he's just incompetent and doesn't know anything about business or running a country." BULLSHIT! HE KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT HE IS DOING TO THIS GREAT COUNTRY! And people better wake up people because we are being willfully led to our destruction as a free country! Oh and by the way, only the ignorant are now finding out, the stupid will never get it, the rest of us knew all along". MC
It’s not funny because it’s true.
Investor’s Business Daily…
With Election Over, Americans Find They Were Duped By Democrats And Obama
Politics 2012: It hasn’t been two months since Barack Obama won re-election, but already we’re finding out things that were kept from us during the campaign. Expect to hear more in the coming months.
Elections are clarifying events, we’re told. But sometimes what they clarify is merely the gap
Report: GOP senators won’t confirm Kerry until Clinton testifies on Benghazi
"Any takers on just how soon Hell will freeze over before Hillary testifies? Maybe old Shillery will keep banging her head on things until she reaches the point that her deranged brain becomes a damaged deranged brain. But alas, the GOP slug senators will cave and confirm one of their own, Traitor Kerry as SOS. Patriotism, integrity, honesty and character are not the standards by which Barry’s appointees are nominated or confirmed. But then again, it doesn’t matter who Obama selects for any post, they won’t be worth a damn. That’s because the Democrat party is made up of nothing but useless fuck ups from top to bottom". MC
Republican senators will refuse to confirm Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., as Secretary of State until the nation’s current top diplomat, Hillary Clinton, testifies about her handling of the Benghazi terrorist attack.
“The Senate is expected to take up Kerry’s nomination in early January, but multiple Republican senators have already said they won’t agree to a vote on Kerry’s nomination until Clinton testifies about the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi,” The Cable’s Josh Rogin notes.
Clinton backed out of testifying at a congressional hearing last week after fainting and suffering a concussion. She was the first cabinet-level official to acknowledge that terrorists played a role in the assault on the U.S. mission in Benghazi.
“For some time, al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb and other groups have launched attacks and kidnappings from northern Mali into neighboring countries,” Clinton said during a United Nations meeting in New York on September 26. “Now, with a larger safe haven and increased freedom to maneuver, terrorists are seeking to extend their reach and their networks in multiple directions. And they are working with other violent extremists to undermine the democratic transitions underway in North Africa, as we tragically saw in Benghazi,” (emphasis added).
A week earlier, though, Clinton was content to have people such as the father of Tyrone Woods — the
Not Satisfied With Taking on US Constitution… Piers Morgan Now Targeting Bible
"This guy is typical of the mind of the left. Nothing is law unless they agree with it. The constitution: whats that? The Bible: we can make it say what we want it to say, and of course they are the absolute judges of what both documents must say, we have no right to object because we are stupid people that know nothing. Hey Piers, and I mean this in a nice way, kiss my arse you ignorant limey moron. So we don’t have enough douchebag journalists in the US, we have to import them now? Hey Piers, since you hate the Second Amendment, and you have disdain for the Bible, why don’t you go somewhere that you’re wanted, like hell.
OK Piers, let’s make this fair.
Considering that America is a freedom of religion country, I want you to
publicly announce you want to revise the Koran and amend it to accept
homosexuality. If you survive, then we can talk about your idea about amending the bible. Give us a shout when you finished changing Islam as you insist it is
the religion of tolerance and only Crazy Christians have a problem with
it. I won't hold my breath because you are a gutless Limey, too worried about keeping his head on his shoulders to go all the way with this argument". MC
Not satisfied with taking on gun rights in the US Constitution, Piers Morgan is now calling for a Bible rewrite.
The far left CNN crank wants a “gay marriage amendment” to the Bible.
Some people think they are God. Then there’s Piers Morgan.
Red Alert Politics reported:
On Monday’s episode of “Piers Morgan Tonight,” the British host called for a ‘gay marriage
MSNBC Co-Host Refuses to ‘Lie’ to His Children and Let Them Believe Santa Claus Is Real
"I bet this MSNBC jackass tells his kids the fairy tale that big government will solve our problems, and Uncle Barry will give them free things. And that everyone who works over at the FOX network (that’s the major network that ranks first, not last, like MSNBC in viewership, Toure’) hates Blacks? No, THAT lie will be told with all sincerity. How about this, the fact that Santa Claus is white is the main reason that black militant ignores him. Because now we have Baraka Claus. I guess he is ok lying to them and telling them he is a successful unbiased non race baiting journalist". MC
As the hosts of MSNBC’s “The Cycle” discussed what they did over the Christmas holiday on Wednesday, co-host Touré surprised his colleagues when he revealed that he refuses to “lie” to his children and tell them that Santa Claus is real.
Instead, he explained, they go out and buy each other gifts and the topic of the Santa “myth” never comes up.
“With my 5-year-old and 3-year-old, we didn’t talk about Santa at all. I went shopping with them. I let
If Andrew Cuomo Wants to Confiscate Guns, Let HIM Go Door-to-Door and Do It Himself
Take my gun Gov.
Because he’d be shot dead before he had so much as a single gun taken from it’s owner.
When Liberals talk about “reasonable gun control,” one of our objections (besides the main one: “…shall not be infringed”), is understanding that Liberals’ final objective is a complete disarmament of US citizens. Which can only be accomplished via confiscation (from known legal firearm owners — if the government has been unable to keep illegal drugs out of the hands of criminals, how are they going to get them to turn in their firearms?).
Of course, when we point out that their ultimate end game is confiscation, they wave us off and say, “No way…we’d never go that far.”
Until, of course, one of them slips and admits the truth. Which is exactly what NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo is proposing:
“I don’t think legitimate sportsmen are going to say, ‘I need an assault weapon to go hunting,’ ”
Former prosecutor says Tawana Brawley still owes him $429,000, including interest, after falsely calling him a 'gang-raping, kidnapping racist'
"She committed a crime and she needs to pay the price. End of story! If it were the other way around and Pagones owed Brawley the money, they'd garnish his wages for life! Funny how Sharpton, Bill Cosby, Don King, , and those other losers jumped on the bandwagon and now that she owes people money, where are they with all their support"? MC
A former prosecutor who says Tawana Brawley, now known as Tawana Gutierrez, falsely dragged his name through the mud in a defamation judgment from 1987 is looking to collect this year.
Steven Pagones, a former Dutchess County prosecutor, says Brawley still owes him $429,000, including interest, after falsely calling him a 'gang-raping, kidnapping racist.'
'In all these years, she’s never told the truth about this hoax or paid me a cent,' Pagones told the New York Post on Christmas Eve.
'Now I’m going to seek anything I’m entitled to under the law,' he said.
'In all these years, she’s never told the truth
about this hoax or paid me a cent,' says former assistant district
attorney Steven Pagones
That could well cost Brawley, a single mom working as a nurse in Virginia, up to a couple of hundred dollars a week, according to the Post.
Twenty-five years after Brawley's claims of being raped by a gang of white men polarised New York City, the woman has been tracked down living in hiding in Virginia.
On November 28, 1987, the then-15-year-old was found in a trash bag, dazed, smeared with feces with the word n****r scrawled on her body.
She told police she had been abducted by two white men and driven to the woods where they and four others ravaged her for four days - one of which had a badge.
Here to collect: Pagones, a former assistant
district attorney falsely accused by Reverand Al Sharpton in the 1998
rape of Tawana Brawley, says Brawley still owes him $429,000, including
interest, after falsely calling a 'gang-raping, kidnapping racist'
The case was catapulted onto the national stage by attorneys Alton H. Maddox and C. Vernon Mason, and the then-little-known Rev. Al Sharpton, who claimed she was raped 33 times.
Celebrities weighed in, with Bill Cosby posting a $25,000 reward for information on the case, Don King promised $100,000 for Brawley’s education and boxer Mike Tyson gave her a $30,000 watch to ease her pain.
Fishkill Police Officer Harry Crist Jr. was implicated after being found dead in his apartment a week after Brawley was discovered, and Pagones was also accused when he stepped in with an alibi for the 28-year-old.
But in 1988 a grand jury found the whole shocking story was a hoax, and Brawley was never raped.
Now 40 years old, The New York Post tracked her down working as a nurse in Virginia.
'I don't want to talk to anyone about that,' Brawley told the newspaper recently as she emerged from her apartment in Hopewell, Virginia, wearing scrubs.
Racial tensions: Rev Al Sharpton catapulted the case of Tawana Brawley, centre, onto the main stage
Historic case: Reverend Al Sharpton, pictured in 1988, picketed outside the hotel of New York governor Mario Cuomo
She lives what appears to be a relatively normal life in a neatly kept brick apartment complex with signs warning of video surveillance cameras.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
If Obama were Jesus
Is Obama really like Jesus? While his miraculous superpowers have always been part of the progressive narrative, there has recently been a increase in sightings of Barack Obama's divine nature in the mainstream culture - from a painting that depicts the president as crucified Christ, to Jamie Foxx calling Barack Obama our lord and savior, to a Florida professor who described Obama as an apostle sent to create "heaven here on earth."
Thus, let us ponder on this Christmas Eve about whether we would be better off if Christ were to equal Obama in moral and intellectual prowess. In fact, let us make a list (and check it twice) of what he would do differently:
- He would apologize to Egypt for the renegade Exodus and restore the security and equality of bondage for all.
- He would take money from the Temple to bail out the money changers.
- He would feed the multitudes with five government forms and a roll of red tape.
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