The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Politically Correct Guide to Racism for Idiots

Conservatives may be unaware that the Democrat Party has passed new legislation redefining the rules of logic and political discourse regarding racism. For those who have grown used to such concepts as “hypocrisy,” and “logical inconsistency,” they need to eliminate these from their thinking and vocabulary.
Everyone must get hip to the new rules of civility and tolerance, or else face serious penalties. The following are some examples that should get you racist wingnuts up to speed on the “New Discourse.”

Clear cases of Racism against Black Democrats:
  • Criticizing President Obama’s ineptitude
  • Criticizing President Obama for black unemployment and poverty going up, wages and political influence going down during his presidency
  • Criticizing the girth of domineering health food activist Michelle Obama
  • Criticizing UN Ambassador Susan Rice’s less-than-honest statements about the Benghazi scandal
  • Criticizing Reverend Al Sharpton for anti-semitism
  • Criticizing Reverend Jesse Jackson for dropping the N-bomb and saying he wanted to cut Obama’s n*** off
  • Criticizing Jesse Jackson Jr. for allegedly trying to buy a Senate seat
  • Criticizing Maxine Waters for telling the tea party to “go to hell”
  • Criticizing Hank Johnson for saying the island of Guam could “capsize”
  • Criticizing black caucus chair Emanuel Cleaver for calling debt compromise a “satan sandwich”
  • Criticizing Keith Ellison for obvious ties to Islamist organizations
  • Criticizing Diane Watson for opposing interracial marriage
  • Criticizing randomly elected Al Green for saying “take back the country”
  • Criticizing Sheila Jackson-Lee for championing women’s rights, like in Rwanda, China, Algeria, and Afghanistan
  • Criticizing Bobby Rush for describing his meeting with communist dictator Fidel Castro “almost like listening to an old friend”
  • Criticizing Barbara Lee for characterizing voter ID laws (which they have in Europe) as a racist plot
Clear false claims of Democrat Racism:

  • Criticizing the Democrat Party for never renouncing its racist past of supporting slavery and segregation
  • Criticizing Senator Harry Byrd’s history as a KKK recruiter and Kleagle who filibustered the Civil Rights Act
  • Criticizing Woodrow Wilson for screening racist, KKK-glorification film Birth of a Nation
  • Criticizing the KKK past of FDR-appointed Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black
  • Criticizing FDR for his forced detainment of Japanese-Americans
  • Criticizing President Harry Truman for paying $10 to become a member of the KKK
  • Criticizing Lyndon Johnson for saying, “I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
  • Criticizing Jimmy Carter for writing the book, “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid,” which was praised on numerous white supremacist websites
  • Criticizing Bill Clinton for once saying of Obama, “A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
  • Criticizing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for describing Obama as “light skinned,” and “with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.”
  • Criticizing Hillary Clinton for faking a “negro dialect” (as Harry Reid put it) in front of a black church audience
  • Criticizing Joe Biden for once saying to an Indian-American voter, “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”
  • Criticizing Joe Biden for saying Republican Mitt Romney wanted to “put y’all back in chains”
  • Criticizing Joe Biden for saying of Obama, “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”
Statements that are Not Racism or Reverse Racism made by Democrats against Republicans:

  • Criticizing former RNC Chair Michael Steele, like Steny Hoyer did, for his “career of slavishly supporting the Republican Party.”
  • Criticizing Condaleezza Rice like left-wing radio host Neal Rogers: “Is you their black-haired answer-mammy who be smart? Does they like how you shine their shoes, Condoleezza? Or the way you wash and park the whitey’s cars?”
  • Criticizing former Representative Allen West, like Andre Carson did, for aligning himself with the tea party, which “would love to see us as second-class citizens” and would love to see blacks “hanging on a tree.”
  • Criticizing Republican convert Artur Davis, like Gary Franks did: “I do not believe it is healthy for Americans to go around looking for blacks to put in a congressional district.”
  • Criticizing General Colin Powell, as Harry Belafonte did: “In the days of slavery, there were those slaves who lived on the plantation and [there] were those slaves that lived in the house. You got the privilege of living in the house if you served the master…”
  • Criticizing Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, like Spike Lee called him, “A handkerchief-head, chicken-and-biscuit-eating Uncle Tom.” Leftists commonly call Thomas a “House N*gga,” but that’s not racist.
  • Criticizing rising Republican star Mia Love as a “token” and an “Aunt Tom”
  • Criticizing conservative media personalities like CDN’s Kira Davis, or Alonzo Rachel, “News Ninja”Wayne Dupree, blogger Sister Toldjah, Crystal Wright and many others using racial epithets
  • Criticizing Republicans for allowing numerous diverse speakers at their convention by playing a popular Twitter game called, “#Negrospotting.” (This would be tough to play while watching MSNBC, which refused to air minority speakers at the convention.)
  • Criticizing any black Republicans in the party as pure “tokenism”
  • Criticizing minorities in the way journalist Mike Wallace did: Blacks and Hispanics are “too busy eating watermelons and tacos” to learn how to read and write.
Racist code words about Black Democrats:
  • “Golf“
  • “Chicago“
  • “Anger“
  • “Socialist“
  • “Incompetent“
  • “Muslim“
  • “Crime“
  • “Welfare Queen“
  • “Urban“
  • “Un-American“
  • “Food Stamp President“
  • “Kitchen Cabinet“
  • “Empty Chair“
  • “Professor“
  • “Obamacare“
Simply put, if you are a conservative who is for Constitutionally limited government, free market capitalism, equality under the law, and freedom for all Americans, then you are a racist. If you are for unlimited government and increasing dependency on the Democrat Party, then you are not a racist. Any questions?

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