I’m on my way to pick up my nephew from the train station. He’s going to visit for Thanksgiving and I’m so excited. He has been living with relatives in another state for the last few months while he finishes up High School. This will be a reprieve for him since the relatives are very liberal. Poor boy – he grew up surrounded by very conservative family (and extended family). His mom told me to be prepared for him to talk my ears off! It will be such a joy to hear an 18 year old who voted for the first time tell of his experiences with liberalism! Seriously, people; there IS hope for this country.
He has been planning to join the Navy after graduation for some years now. He was planning on being a cook like his grandpa but now thinks he wants to be a medic. Who knows, by the time he enlists he may decide to be a brain surgeon or even a rocket scientist. Whatever he does, he just wants to serve this wonderful country. We were all praying that he would have a different Commander-in-Chief, but that still has not dissuaded him from serving. God bless him!
So, what are your plans for the Thanksgiving holiday?
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