WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Sunday, November 4, 2012
My Take On Benghazi
I have a question for the Left, does it bother you at all that Barack Obama and his people went on television numerous times to tell us that this attack was the result of a YouTube video? There is not one communication that states in any way this was the case. It was a genuine lie to cover up something for a reason. Why did he feel the need to make up this lie? I consider myself a rational thinker and I just can’t get past this blatant lying. They keep claiming they wanted to get all the facts before reaching a conclusion but this wasn’t even close to what they were told may have happened and they continued along with Hillary Clinton to push it as the most likely cause. If Obama had granted the ambassador the security he requested, the ambassador and our American citizens would be alive today. But his policy was to disregard intelligence and previous bombings of the same embassy in prior months? OH wait, he may not of known because he misses 60% of his intelligence briefings. Nevermind. Let’s move on.
I don’t think that He even bothered to visit The Situation Room. Why? Well there would be pictures of him sitting there pretending to care. Where are the pictures? They came out fast during Sandy. Truth is, there are no pictures, there are no orders, there is nothing but lies. But then again, why should he have wasted his valuable time doing something in the best interest of US citizens when he could be resting up for the next fundraiser in Vegas?
Knowingly, willfully and with spite, putting American citizens in harm's way, on a mission for this government, is inexcusable, and equivalent to murder. This was an act that makes patriotic Americans, that have served their country bravely, shake our heads and wonder what the hell is going on. Regardless of the incompetence, stupidity, lies and malice this administration has for this country and our people, this single act should close the doors on these amateurs.
What's sad is the desire of individuals and the media to see this kept quiet. The way those on the Left are carrying water for a President is disgraceful. It continues to be the position of the liberals and their media, to continue to remain silent on murdered Americans. But of course if this was a Republican president, then it would be 24 hour in your face breaking news, and they would be leading the charge.
Remember when Cindy Sheehan would say something about Bush being a murderer, we could not turn the TV on without seeing her face in the news for like 12 months. Now that Obama needs his friends in the press to help him, most people have no clue who Sean Patrick Smith was. Remember how quick Obama reacted to a black professor in Boston who had an encounter with a white police officer. Remember the great "beer summit"? If he only reacted that fast for those four Americans. Just makes one think!
If this had been a Republican in the White House, Benghazi would be on the front page of Time Magazine, the NY Times, Newsweek and Michael Moore would have already released a movie on Benghazi, and everyone in the liberal media would be doing everything they could to bring down the President. Talk about your double standards! Loss of lives and getting to the truth I guess just isn’t important enough for you Liberals. Its ok libs, we understand that brave men and women giving their lives for the ideals of this great country is a foreign concept to you, so we dont blame you for seeing this as a bump in the road.
President Obama, your refusal to act prior to and during the attack to save those four brave souls, and the lies you keep telling in this cover-up, they all say one thing. Obama you and your administration have blood on your hands. Any politician in any elected office, continuing to defend this President for this incompetence, should be voted out. And those looking to run for any elected office in the future, continuing to defend this President, should never be voted in.
This entire Democrat Party needs to be flushed from office on Tuesday. Vote angry, my friend.
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