Several far left kooks were pepper sprayed and arrested after they obstructed construction of the Keystone Pipeline in Texas today.
The protesters don’t want Canadian oil to be exported for use in the United States.
They want Middle East oil and Chinese windmills.
What idiots.
KTRE reported:
Deputies from the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office pepper-sprayed four TransCanada Keystone pipeline protesters that had stuck their arms into land-clearing machinery at a site near Wells Monday morning. They were later arrested and charged with criminal mischief and criminal trespass.
Another group of three protesters set up “tree blockades” at another site off County Road 1911 near the site of the former Goodman Bridge over Angelina River. A press release stated that the Monday’s events were designed to show “solidarity with local land owners struggling to protect their water and land from TransCanada’s toxic tar sands pipeline.”
The three tree-sitters were arrested later Monday afternoon after they were brought down from their perches. No details were available in regard to what their charges were.
“Tar Sands Blockade stands with all communities affected by the Canadian tar sands,” Ron Seifert, a Tar Sands Blockade spokesperson, said in a press release. “From indigenous nations in Alberta, Canada to the besieged refinery neighborhoods of the American Gulf Coast where the tar sands will be refined, there’s a groundswell of resistance demanding an end to toxic tar sands exploitation. Today’s events simply mark the latest in our sustained, community-based civil disobedience campaign, and many more communities are destined to rise up to defend their homes from TransCanada’s fraud, bullying, and reckless endangerment of their lives and fresh water.”
A group of at least 40 people from the Tar Sands Blockade group, including the four that allegedly chained themselves to heavy machinery used along the pipeline construction route, descended on a site off Wells’ Park Cemetery Road and between the town’s 6th and 7th Streets. Monday’s protests are part of an ongoing effort to halt construction on the proposed pipeline from Cushing, Okla. to Nederland.
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