don't have to ride on a treacherous, unlit cow path from the north-side
of Boston to Lexington as the King's Regulars attempt a surprise attack
on the Sons of Liberty.

don't have to board a frigate, sail for weeks across the Atlantic and
then sack a city in Tripoli to rescue your imprisoned countrymen.

don't have to kill a British soldier in a desperate, hand-to-hand
struggle after leaping out of a boat on the beach at York during the War
of 1812.

don't have to hold the line against Pickett's desperate charge at
Gettysburg as thousands of wounded men shriek bloody murder around you.

You don't have to resist a vicious attack by the Hun with fixed bayonets at Belleau Wood.

don't have to survive a terrifying duck-boat run onto Omaha Beach as
men around you are being chopped to bits by fortified Nazi gun

don't have to liberate the Nazi Death Camps, capping months of brutal
fighting and desperate marching through the dirt roads of Europe.

don't have to withstand a surprise attack by the Chinese 'People's
Volunteer Army', fighting to hold the line in 35°-below-zero
temperatures for days on end near the Chosin Reservoir.

don't have to defend the city of Huế from a surprise attack by Viet
Cong and PAVN regulars, fighting block-to-block as the entire country is
set afire by the Tet Offensive.

don't have to race across the desert, waiting for a chemical attack or a
Scud missile to hit, baking in 130° temperatures, so that you can expel
Saddam Hussein's Republican Guard from Kuwait.

don't have to patrol a patch of hard-scrabble earth in Aghanistan or
Iraq, waiting for the inevitable IED by the side of the road -- or signs
that you've rolled right into an ambush by heavily-armed 'insurgents'
equipped with Iranian RPGs.
You don't have to do any of those things.
You just have to vote in November.
You just have to take the time to rally your neighbors, your family
members and your co-workers to vote for candidates who believe in the
Constitution. You must marshal voters who will reject the
out-of-control, free-spending government that has brought our country to
the edge of bankruptcy.
Because if the Constitution doesn't mean anything, if all of the
founders' sacrifices went for naught, if all of those American heroes
who fought and bled and died for the flag mean nothing, if all your
parents and grandparents gave you doesn't amount to a hill of beans,
well, then our generation will be forever known as the weak-willed group
that let the American dream slip from our fingers.
And we will be known forever as the generation that allowed American
exceptionalism to be stolen from us by a radical leftist from San
Francisco, a crooked, power-hungry weasel of a man from Nevada, and an
Alinsky-trained community organizer who rose to the presidency without
qualifications or even so much as a background check by the media.
You don't have to bleed for your country. All you have to do is rally
our forces to vote in November. That is what we can do and that is what
we must do to preserve this Republic for future generations.
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