Obama has been falling all over himself for the last week, blaming the 9/11 2.0 terror attacks in Libya on a stupid YouTube video no one in America had ever even heard of 10 days ago. He’s gone out of his way to appease Islamic radicals and reassure them that America is a place where all religions are respected.
In related news, a photograph of Jesus Christ immersed in urine known as Piss Christ, which was created 20 years ago by an American artist who received tax dollars, is on its way to a gallery in New York City.
The response from the Obama White House so far? CRICKETS.
There are reports that security is being ramped up, as if Christians would start rioting and dragging ambassadors out of their respective embassies in Manhattan. Please.
As offensive as this photo is to American Christians, there will be no riots and no violence.
There will also be no apologies from the Obama administration.
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