Chicago has been called the home of "gangster government." How bad is it? Consider the following facts about the city from which
President Obama rose through the ranks of American public life, from
community organizer and local lawyer to the Illinois state legislature
to the U.S. Senate and finally the Oval Office:
Obama's $787 billion
economic stimulus program included $499 billion in federal spending,
most of which was channeled through state and local governments. Eight
of the 10 states getting the most contracts were heavily Democratic,
with highly unionized state and local government workforces, according
to stimulus award data at
Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper,
has apparently been assigned to take the fall for Benghazigate; you
know - the trumped-up scandal about your government lying to you about
terrorism, al Queda and hateful movie trailers?
I’m not positive butt I think this debriefing may lead to Clapper’s downfall :
This is an excellent time line of events since the attack on Benghazi
from Special Report that includes everything we now know about what
actually happened vs the administration’s response along the way. It is
quite revealing to watch it this way:
A California couple has endured death threats and vandalism after
they posted a Romney sign in their yard. Leftists even threatened the
couple with a Molotov cocktail.
The Tea Party is regularly ridiculed and declared "dead"
by the mainstream press and their elitist allies in Washington and
Hollywood. Not surprisingly, when Tea Partiers show up and rally by the
thousands, they get all but ignored, while 30 Occupy Wall Street crazies
in masks will always get wall-to-wall coverage and admiration. TV shows
and movies take cheap shots at Tea Party conservatives,
The polls completely missed the 2010 landslide. And the polls have no freaking clue just how pissed off the American people are.
Some hack named Walter Shapiro, using the time-tested approach of quoting "anonymous" GOP operatives, suggests that the Romney-Ryan campaign is losing Ohio
and doing so in spectacular fashion. Check out this bit of nonsense,
the rock-hard kernel of stupidity at the heart of the story.
A program that provides subsidized phone
service to low-income individuals has nearly doubled in size in Ohio in
the past year — now covering more than a million people. At the same
time, federal officials say they’re reining in waste, fraud and abuse in
the program.
The Federal Communications Commission announced
recently that reforms have saved $43 million since January and are
expected to save $200 million by year’s end. In Ohio, savings are
expected to be $2.9 million a year.
The savings were realized in
part because the government gave out fewer cellphones to ineligible
people and took steps to avoid issuing duplicate phones.
But the
size of the program in the state — and profits to the increasing number
of cellphone companies involved — has exploded in recent months,
Surely this is all just a coincidence. After the video of the Obama crackhead went viral yesterday, we discovered the Obama Phone website, which showed the Empty Chair in all his glory:
Now if you pay a visit the site looks drastically different. Pretty
much like one of those websites you stumble upon if you entered the
wrong URL. No longer are you treated to the Dear Leader, instead a stock
image rotating whenever you visit. This is the most recent image we
grabbed. In fact, much of the site now look entirely generic, the
ubiquitous Obama presence barely visible.
Hmm. You don’t think they’re embarrassed by their own supporters, are they?
Do you think a congratulatory call from the Whjte House is forth-coming? NOT!
Cincinnati Reds pitcher Homer Bailey tossed a no-hitter against the
Pittsburgh Pirates last night. It was a much-needed victory for the
Reds as they're battling the Washington Nationals for the best record in
the National League heading into the post-season.
Lee forwards a note pointing out that Bailey's not only an ace on the
mound, he's also a top gun when it comes to protecting the Republic:
You just never know who may show up at the Republican Victory Center in Kenwood [a northern suburb of Cincinnati].
Reds Pitcher Homer Bailey showed up last Saturday to encourage the
volunteers to keep up the great efforts for the Republican Party. We
still need volunteers and we are going to WIN this election!
Don’t pay attention to the polls which are aligned to the media. They
want you to believe that the race is over. We need our voters to come
out and vote. So let’s do everything possible to do just that and we WILL WIN!
President Obama's controversial relationships
with radical figures like Columbia University professor Rashid Khalidi
have been well-publicized in recent years. Prior to his academic career in the United States, Khalidi
worked for Yasser Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organization when it was
classified by the State Department as a terrorist group.
President Obama, maybe in light of his horrendous interview
appearances on Univision and “60 Minutes,” is now planning three days of
debate prep. However, I sort of doubt there are aides who will ask the
president the sort of questions that might come up in the debate.
Send this word-search game to children and Democrats -- but I repeat
myself -- as a reminder of President SCOAMF's many achievements over the
last four years.
Remember just the other day, when President Barack Hussein Obama
said, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of
Islam”? Well, it looks like that’s one of the few promises he’s ever
been willing or able to keep.
Spanish-language television network Univision plans to air a
television special that it said reveals more violence than previously
known, as well as the stories of how many more Operation Fast and
Furious victims were killed, the network announced in a Friday release.
“The consequences of the controversial ‘Fast and Furious’ undercover
operation put in place by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms
and Explosives (ATF) in 2009 have been deadlier than what has been made
public to date,” the network said. “The exclusive, in-depth
investigation by Univision News’ award-winning Investigative Unit —
Univision Investiga — has found that the guns that crossed the border as
part of Operation Fast and Furious caused dozens of deaths inside
State Sen. Barack Obama and members of an
Illinois lobbying group representing politically connected
minority-owned businesses launched a campaign in 2000 to pressure state
pension funds to help their friends and donors. Obama and his cohorts targeted state officials in charge of
pension funds for teachers, police and firemen, and regular government
The wheels appear to be coming off a
two week attempt by the Obama Administration to cover up its fatal
security failures at our consulate in Libya and to cover up the
very fact that this was a successful pre-planned terrorist attack that
cost four American lives, including that of our Libyan Ambassador,
Christopher Stevens.
In what may very well be a first in American history, it is now clear
that the Obama Administration deliberately sent out a senior official,
UN Ambassador Susan Rice, to lie to the American people about what
transpired in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012.
We addressed this briefly a week ago
but in the meantime more information has come to light which shows that
Rice was not merely misinformed, she was lying to set a narrative that
would protect the administration from the effects of its own epic, if
not criminal, incompetence.
Let’s review the sequence of events helpfully compiled by the Washington Post
in a rare occurrence of random journalism against the interests of the
Obama administration. Take your time, the post picks up at the end of
the chronology.
Earlier this year, Jackson told Ebony magazine:
“I voted for Barack because he was black. ‘Cuz that’s why other folks
vote for other people — because they look like them… That’s American
politics, pure and simple. [Obama's] message didn’t mean [bleep] to me.
In the end, he’s a politician. I just hoped he would do some of what he
said he was gonna do. I know politicians say [bleep]; they lie. ‘Cuz
they want to get elected.”
‘Twas six weeks till election, and all through the Web
Obama’s sad voters could feel their strength ebb.
In Obama’s new ad which you can watch below, he talks about economic patriotism.
In the lead to her post on the subject, Erika Johnsen asks what does that even mean?
I can answer that question. It means Obama thinks that giving more of your money to the government is patriotic.
But don’t take my word for it. Let’s look at what Joe Biden said in 2008…
Mitt Romney plans to turn himself into a one-man truth squad during
the first presidential debate next week, casting President Barack Obama
as someone who can’t be trusted to stick to the facts or keep his
Top Republicans are telegraphing Romney’s hard-line
strategy for his faceoff with Obama,
according to Mike Allen’s Playbook
in POLITICO on Thursday. The debate plan comes during a presidential
cycle where media fact-checkers have held a high profile and where an
earlier effort by Democrats to cast GOP vice presidential nominee Paul
Ryan as untrustworthy got results.
Romney himself was the first to signal the strategy.
“I think he’s going to say a lot of things that aren’t accurate,”
THE WEEKLY STANDARD has learned that Israeli prime minister Benjamin
Netanyahu has scheduled a phone call for late morning Friday with
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
Obama refused to meet with Netanyahu on his trip to the United States,
Gee, and all this time I thought Democrats hated wiretaps and warrantless surveillance. The ACLU reports:
Justice Department documents released today by the ACLU
reveal that federal law enforcement agencies are increasingly monitoring
Americans’ electronic communications, and doing so without warrants, sufficient oversight, or meaningful accountability.
...The reports show a dramatic increase in the use of
Every time you think antique media has hit bottom, it breaks out the jackhammer and pounds out a new sub-basement.
Two shocking photos coming off the wire of Benjamin Netanyahu addressing the United Nations moments ago.
The first is from the Associated Press: Associated Press
The second is from Reuters: Reuters
Of the hundreds of professional photos taken at this speech, the AP and Reuters decided to push these onto the wire.
Indeed. Because these were the most offensive photos they could find.
Shortly after Barack Obama won the 2008
presidential election, Prairie State Blue, a liberal blog, attributed
his victory to the fact that Illinois' deeply entrenched government
corruption had forced "political reformers" in the state legislature
like Obama "to network outside the traditional political circles."
The claim illustrated Obama's success throughout his career
at presenting himself as an outsider and reformer even as he became a
skillful operator inside one of the nation's most corrupt political
Glenn Beck spotted
an op-ed written by former adviser Steven Rattner that appeared in The
New York Times a few days ago. It’s amazing that this hasn’t gotten more
attention. (Thanks to Jan R. for the tip.)
An op/ed that
ran in the New York Times earlier this month has made a startling
declaration: “We need death panels.” The claim comes from a former Obama
advisor, Steven Rattner, who claims that too many Medicare resources
are wasted on the elderly in their last year of life. While the Obama
campaign is trying to paint the Romney campaign as enemies of the
elderly for wanting to reform Medicare and Medicaid, should they be
paying closer attention to the people Obama ahas surrounded himself
Rattner writes:
President Obama issues an executive order calling for equal outcomes in school discipline policies.
is the basis for such an exercise of presidential power? Where in the
Constitution does it say that the executive branch of the federal
government can impose itself on educational issues?
In fact,
where in the Constitution does it say that the federal government can
impose itself on any part of the educational function, which I thought
was a state function? Is it because the federal government gives federal
taxpayer funds to schools? How does that justify federal interference
in school discipline?
This alone is so outrageous and illegal.
The 2012 U.S. presidential election presents a contrast to the 2008 election in terms of their perceptions by the Russian elite.
In 2008, then-President Dmitry Medvedev
expressed a desire to work with a "modern" U.S. leader rather than one
"whose eyes are turned back to the past." He was referring to Democratic
presidential candidate Barack Obama. But influential Russian elites
voiced their support for the Republican candidate, John McCain, despite
McCain calling President Vladimir Putin a KGB spy who has no soul and calling to expel Russia from the Group of Eight leading industrial nations.
Even though McCain was more critical of the Kremlin,
I could see this as being plausible if the guy ever actually worked.
Seriously, the guy has been in campaign mode for three years, has time
to chat with the washed-up Letterman, the idiots from The View, talk
football, basketball, play golf, and hang out with Jay-Z and Beyonce,
among assorted other celebutards. So, um, when does he actually work?
Now we’re to believe he’s too busy to prepare for debates?
Child, please.
Four powerful Republican senators are demanding answers to questions they posited to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano in early August regarding the apparent
watering down of immigration regulations which prohibit those seeking
residency or citizenship from being primarily reliant on welfare, or a
public charge.
The Department of Homeland Security missed the Aug. 20 deadline
and has yet to respond.
Taxpayers spent $1.4 billion dollars
on everything from staffing, housing, flying and entertaining President
Obama and his family last year, according to the author of a new book
on taxpayer-funded presidential perks.
In comparison, British taxpayers spent just $57.8 million on the royal family.
Author Robert Keith Gray writes in “Presidential Perks Gone Royal” that Obama isn’t the only president to have taken advantage of the expensive trappings of his office. But the amount of money spent on the first family, he argues, has risen tremendously under the Obama administration and needs to be reined in.
Gray told The Daily Caller that the $1.4 billion spent on
Way to go, White House. Good job, State Department. Eli Lake at the Daily Beast reports:
Within 24 hours of the 9-11 anniversary attack on the
United States consulate in Benghazi, U.S. intelligence agencies had
strong indications al Qaeda–affiliated operatives were behind the
You know things are getting bad for the Obama administration when they have to give in and acknowledge consensus reality. NYT:
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton indicated
for the first time on Wednesday that there was an explicit link between
the Qaeda franchise in North Africa and the attack at the American
diplomatic mission in Libya that killed four Americans, including the
ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens…
“Now, with a larger safe haven and increased freedom to maneuver,
terrorists are seeking to extend their reach and their networks in
multiple directions,” Mrs. Clinton told world leaders assembled at the
United Nations meeting. “And they are working with other violent
extremists to undermine the democratic transitions under way in North
Africa, as we tragically saw in Benghazi…”
Mrs. Clinton’s remarks appeared to go beyond comments made last week
by Matthew Olsen, the director of the National Counterterrorism Center,
who said intelligence analysts were investigating ties between local
Libyan militias and Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, but had not yet
come to any conclusions… Mr. Olsen said the assault on the American mission and a
nearby annex in Benghazi was a “terrorist attack,” the first time the
administration had ascribed the attack to terrorists. The next day, Jay
Carney, the White House press secretary, said on Air Force One, “It is
self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack.” He
added, “Our embassy was attacked violently, and the result was four
deaths of American officials.”
Wait. So it wasn’t because of a YouTube video mocking Islam? It wasn’t because of the “slander” of Mohammed, as the Greatest President Ever put it just yesterday?
The wonderful thing about doublethink is that it can be both. Politico reports:
Though he has so far declined to use the word, the
White House confirmed that President Obama does believe the attack
against four Americans in Libya was an act of terrorism. “It is the president’s view that it was a terrorist attack,”
White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters en route to Ohio
on Wednesday.
Oh, okay. I’m sure that’s a great consolation to the guy they’ve
scapegoated, who’s now in hiding for fear of his life. Hey, he should’ve
thought about that before he exercised his right to free speech in
America, right?
You might be wondering why Obama and Clinton and Carney and the rest
of them insisted it wasn’t a terrorist attack, even though they knew it
was within 24 hours. Even though it was obvious from the start. Why did
they continue to lie about it for two straight weeks?
The answer is simple: Shut up.
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton
on Wednesday suggested there was a link between the Qaeda franchise in
North Africa and the attack at the American diplomatic mission in
Benghazi, Libya, that killed the American ambassador and three others.
She was the highest-ranking Obama administration official to publicly
make the connection, and her comments intensified what is becoming a
fiercely partisan fight over whether the attack could have been
Fifty-five percent of small business owners and manufacturers
would not have started their businesses in today’s economy, according to
a new poll that also reports 69 percent say President Obama’s
regulatory policies have hurt their businesses.
Don’t you think it’s strange that a new poll from the New York Times and CBS News
shows Obama widening his swing state lead in the wake of a full blown
foreign policy disaster and 40+ straight months of historically high
unemployment? It defies common sense and there’s a reason for that.
They’re lying to you.
As John Nolte of points out,
today’s poll leaves out a critical piece of information – they’re
relying on unrealistically high Dem turnout, even higher than 2008. Jim Geraghty of National Review reports the same thing. Who do these MSM pollsters think they’re kidding? You.
The New York Post reported Egyptian-American columnist Mona
Eltahawy has been arrested for defacing an anti-Muslim ad in the New
York subway system. The video shows her spraying pink paint on the ad
while a supporter of the ad tries to block her. She's a journalist for
Eltahawy, a former Reuters correspondent, has been a recent favorite of
CNN and MSNBC’s weekend morning shows to discuss Egypt, and she often
smears together the Islamist “right wing” and the American right wing,
as she did on Melissa Harris-Perry just 11 days ago [video and transcript below]:
Four years after Barack Obama's historic
election as president, little seems to have changed for the
African-American communities on Chicago's South Side. The lack of change -- or the sense that these neighborhoods
are getting worse -- is eroding the president's standing among
African-Americans in his hometown.
A man moves furniture
at the Altgeld Gardens housing project Thursday, Feb. 14, 2008, on
Chicago's South Side. where Democratic presidential hopeful, Sen.
Barack Obama, D-Ill., used to work as a community organizer. (AP Photo)
They’re more upset by this than Chris Stevens being raped, murdered and dragged through the streets of Benghazi.
Carney … was eager to weigh in on an issue he called a “pressing matter,” “astounding” and “very distressing” — the end of the Packers-Seahawks game.
Carney said he had talked to the president this morning about it.
Carney noted that the president had discussed the issue last week in an
interview with a Cleveland radio station and “as a sports fan he thought
it was time to get back to the regular refs. This morning I talked to
him about the end of the Packers-Seahawks game and he said that what
happened in that game is a perfect example of why both sides need to
come together, resolve their differences so that the regular refs can
get back on the field and we can start focusing on a game that so many
of us love rather than debating whether of not a game is won or lost
because of a bad call.
Know what else is very distressing and should be a pressing matter?
The economy. Iranian nukes. The mideast in flames. We find it
“astounding” Obama has time for football and The View and not world
If the Leader of the Free World feels this is important, why not the Pope?
VATICAN CITY: Fans of American football the world over have voiced their views over the game-
call at the end of the Green Bay – Seattle game held last night in the
Seahawks’ CenturyLink Field. After the debacle on the Hail Mary play on
Monday Night Football, Pope
Benedict XVI was reported to be visibly upset. Jesuit Fr. Federico
Lombardi (no relation to the legendary Packer coach) of the Vatican
press office, noted that he
hadn’t seen His Holiness this livid since he’d learned of the attempted
ordination of several women on a riverboat in Austria in 2002. The Pontiff wasted no time in tweeting his disgust with NFL
Commissioner Roger Goodell: @BennyXVI “As a matter of justice, we must
condemn this fiasco in the strongest possible terms. It is an offense
against all that is true, good, and beautiful.” The Commissioner was
not available for comment, but was expected to address the Holy Father’s
remarks in a press conference later today. Packer Head Coach Mike McCarthy, a Catholic, was grateful for
Pope Benedict’s support, remarking that “the pain of this loss is
mitigated somewhat, knowing that we have the prayers and concern of His
Holiness. He has been a Packer fan all the way back to the ‘Glory
Years’, and the team has been studying some of his most recent
encyclicals. Spe Salvi, in particular, gives us hope that this nasty
officiating business will be resolved very soon.” It is not known yet whether the Church will impose any canonical
sanctions on the NFL, considering the gravity of the offense, and the
public nature of the scandal. “It is well known that recent popes have
graciously given a pass to the copyright infringement
by the NFL using the term ‘Hail Mary’, but this is really pushing the
envelope,” remarked Lombardi. “If nothing else, however, it does
demonstrate the power of Our Lady’s intercession, and the eternal truth
spoken to her by the Angel Gabriel that ‘nothing is impossible with
I'm sure there is other more important business the Pope needs to be tending to.