The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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We Are So Back

Monday, November 6, 2017

Good Morning Deploreables

It is Monday 11/6/2017

Bush Sr, Jr Admit To Not Voting For Trump, Sr. Calls Him A ‘Blow Hard,’ Says He Lacks ‘Humility’

Any Questions???

Via Daily Mail:
In a new biographical book out in just weeks former Presidents George W. Bush, President George H.W. Bush give scathing assessments of Donald Trump.
In ‘The Last Republicans’ the father son presidential team, give their insights on politics in America. In an interview with Bush Sr. he says of Trump in May of 2016 ‘I don’t like him. I don’t know much about him, but I know he’s a blowhard. And I’m not too excited about him being a leader.’
George W. Bush echoed his father’s sentiments when he told the author Mark Updegrove, ‘As you know from looking at my family, humility is a certain heritage. That’s what they expect, and we’re not seeing that (in Trump).’
Updegrove explains he came to the tome’s title after the junior Bush said he feared he would be the last Republican president- and not just because of potential Hillary Clinton win at the time- but ‘because Donald Trump represented everything that the Bushes abhorred.’


This wailing of old RINO's does not interest me at all. You two sellouts never said a word while OVomit was tearing the country apart. And your love affair with the Clinton's spoke volumes. We saw right through you two globalist, illegal immigrant loving frauds. Your problem was the American people "got woke" and realized it was time for a change before another Bush could help in the destruction of America, so enter Trump. That's right, read our lips " No more Bush's". Both of your legacies will be that of two failures that lead directly to two people getting in the White House to screw over the nation.  That's right, you cemented your legacies as total globalist blowhard frauds by voting for a traitor to America in Hillary, rather than a man that put America first. The value of your judgment and opinion is not in question. It just sucks. Bush #1 gave us Billy Boy, Bush #2 gave us Obowel, and Bush #3 would have definitely given us Maxipad. Boy did we ever escape a disaster. And I'll gladly take a "blowhard", over lying globalist politicians anyday.

George W. stayed silent for the eight years Hussein Obama blamed him for anything and everything and George HW and Barbara stayed silent for the eight years that Obama trashed their son, but now they are attacking Trump who did nothing to them? I have to admit at one point I would have followed George W. to the gates of hell, but he has really disappointed me since he left office. He's proven to be just another globalist. Trump is NOT one of them. Which is why they hate him. And his supporter's love him. When will these people understand that the absolute safest bet is to invest in traditional America. We always come first. Yes, I'm really disappointed in the Bushes. I'm done with that family forever.

Reaction To The Texans Not Signing Colin Kaepernick Is Hilarious

Ahh, liberal tears and outrage. I have to laugh. The Texans already lost half their fan base from last week's bullshit stunt, they didn't want to lose the rest! Besides, the owner decided there are already enough racist thugs on his team, he didn't need another. 

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Good Morning Deplorables

It is Sunday 11/5/2017

The Sunday Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.
For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †


Nikki Haley Tells It like it Is About Cuba: ‘Our Principles Are Not Up For A Vote’

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley pulls no punches when it comes to safeguarding U.S. interests at the UN. Haley delivered a speech Wednesday at the General Assembly where she called for a continuation of the U.S. embargo on Cuba.
Here’s what she had to say:
“One year ago, the United States abstained when voting on the same resolution. The reason given was that the continuation of the embargo was not isolating Cuba, but was, in fact, isolating the United States. It is true that we have been left nearly alone in opposition to this annual resolution. No doubt, there will be some here who do not understand how we can take such opposite positions separated by just 12 months. They will wonder how we could passively accept this resolution last year and energetically oppose it this year. To those who are confused as to where the United States stands, let me be clear: As is their right, under our Constitution, the American people have spoken. They have chosen a new president and he has chosen a new ambassador to the United Nations. As long as the Cuban people continue to be deprived of their human rights and fundamental freedoms; as long as the proceeds from trade with Cuba go to prop up the dictatorial regime responsible for denying those rights, the United States does not fear isolation in this chamber or anywhere else. Our principles are not up for a vote; they are enshrined in our Constitution. They also happen to be enshrined in the charter of the United Nations. As long as we are members of the United Nations we will stand for respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms that the member states of this body have pledged to protect, even if we have to stand alone.”
Image result for people applauding gif

Great speech. It is so refreshing to have a UN Ambassador with a spine and love of Country there after the previous pathetic scarecrows. It would have been nice to ended the speech with, "Therefore, we will no longer fund the worthless UN. It only exists to fleece us out of cash". That would have been a nice touch. While I have to admit I wasn't a fan of Nikki because she really upset me by removing the Confederate flag, but I'll give her credit she's doing a good job at the UN. I have to admit, she has surprised me. She has represented President Trump and his doctrine very well. 

The UN probably never thought a speech like that would have come from the United States. After all, the last 4 presidents usually gave into them and our principles. In other words, there's no longer a whiney-ass, spineless, commie-huggin', USA-hatin', POS in the White House. It was about time for their wake up call. 

  • Antifa Apocalypse? Anarchist Group’s Plan To Overthrow Trump ‘Regime’ Starts Nov. 4th

    Via Fox News:
    Will the so-called “Antifa apocalypse” come with a bang or a whimper?
    A series of anti-government, leftist rallies set to descend on major cities nationwide Saturday is drawing the attention of local officials, who, like the organizers themselves, fear the events could be hijacked by violent masked anarchists.
    The left-wing “Refuse Fascism” group is using Nov. 4 as its kickoff for demonstrations in nearly two dozen U.S. cities, protests it says will continue “day after day and night after night ─ not stopping ─ until our DEMAND is met.”
    The “DEMAND” is the removal of President Trump and Vice President Pence.
    The gatherings are being described as a kind of “Antifa apocalypse” on right-wing media, according to The Washington Post. Several sites are expressing particular alarm about the loosely-defined left-leaning group, which preaches a version of ferocious anti-government chaos that often uses “domestic terrorist violence,” according to a recent FBI report.
    Among the 20 cities where rallies are set to occur are Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Honolulu, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New York City, Philadelphia, San Francisco and Seattle.

    Antifa, the usual Soro's rent a mob, white trash playing who's a little Nazi. Will the so-called “Antifa apocalypse” come with a bang or a whimper you ask? My prediction. First a bang and then lots of whimpering, followed by sobbing and pleas for mercy, then the beautiful sound of silence. What is pathetic is they don't even have a single clue just how bad they have already been whipped. So they 'will continue “day after day and night after night'? Only if mommy lets them go out after dark.They can play 'til the street lights come on then they have to go home. This is going to be the biggest flop since Michael Moore's Broadway play.

    All joking aside, here's what will happen, a few handfuls of these assholes will do their usual stupid bullshit, a bunch of idiots will look on and maybe cheer, then they all go back to their mommy's basements when they get tired and hungry. They then brag on what a great impact they made while the media drools all over them and when it is all done, that alleged "fascist regime" will remain firmly in place. I used to think the best thing to do with them was to have them all shot down like the terrorists that they are, but that would just give them martyrs and more publicity. Let them act like the mental midgets that they are, so that more people turn their backs on the democrat communist party these idiots represent. They are still Trump's best weapon, just like they were last year when he was running, only they're too dumb to know it. Whatever happens, let's hope some leftist skulls get cracked. This won't be like one of your video games kiddies.

    Lock and load patriots! We have a country to take back. 

    Michelle Obama Chastises Men For Being ‘Entitled’ And ‘Messy’

    Via Daily Caller:
    Michelle Obama spoke at an Obama Foundation Summit on Wednesday and spent an inordinate amount of time bashing men for being “entitled” and “self-righteous.”

    The former first lady told men to get “some friends” and talk to each other about their alleged gender-based problems.
    “Y’all should get you some friends,” she said to the men in the audience. “Get you some friends and talk to each other, because…[women] straighten each other out on things.”
    “Y’all need to go talk to each other about your stuff because there’s so much of it…it’s so messy,” she continued. “Just talk to each other about why you’re the way you are.”

     The Mooch was barely relevant as FLOTUS. Only mentally deficient libtards even cared about what she said. So who the hell gives a rat's ass what she has to say now? Mooch, your opinions were worthless before and now even more so. SO STFU! 

    If this is the 2018 and 2020 strategy for her party, assuming there will be men among the democrat candidates, and they actually want men to go out and vote, keep it up, Mooch, and thank you.

    Saturday, November 4, 2017

    Good Morning Deploreables

    It is Saturday 11/4/2017

    TRAVESTY!!! Bowe Bergdahl Will Serve No Time For Desertion

    I am literally physically ill. All those who served this Country honorably, have been betrayed in the most despicable way. What a terrible, terrible travesty. So what Obowel appointee made this ruling? This is a sad day for the American military! No real words for just how wrong this is. But what did we expect? We had a traitor as secretary of state, oh excuse me, two traitors who served served as secretary of state under the traitor President. Hell, the whole f**king administration were traitors to their country. So now we have another. They should have left this POS with the his Taliban family.Too bad Obammy isn't still in office, he would award him the Medal of Honor and make him an officer. I do not put much into his chances out on the street. Brave men were injured and died looking for this sack of shit. Not to mention the bad guys that Barry let go. Unrighteous decision for the families that saw their loved ones return in a body bag after attempting to save the POS. Seems like the real victims always get the shaft under political correctness. He'll eventually have to show his face in public, and I'm sure lots of Americans are waiting for that to happen. I hope he has eyes in the back of his head. He is going to need them. He may be loose, but he is NOT safe. Just saying. 

    Bergdahl will have to leave the country. Who's going to befriend him? Who's going to hire him? What am I saying? I'm sure the left will love Bergdahl. He's their kind of Veteran. The one who abandons his battle comrades for the Taliban, actively speaks out against the war, and came home to a hero's welcome from Obowel himself. Hell, who know's, maybe he can even run on the Democrat Presidential ticket in 2020. Between Manning, Hassan, and now Bergdahl, it is apparent that the Military Judges are more interested in aiding and abetting traitors than actual justice. Military Justice has went the way of Military Intelligence. So now, in order to get justice, guess we have to pin our hopes on karma.

    The death of the above depicted heroes MUST BE AVENGED.

    Dumdass of the Week Award

    Idiot Chris Matthews Baffled: Why Would A Muslim Uzbeki Want To Attack Us?

    See the video here

    So Tingles continues to go through life baffled. Let's see, where do I start, there is this book Tingles, a kind of instruction manual, that is very popular with them. And when they follow this book, they become radicalized Islamic Terrorists and turns you into a f**king moron. Get it now. No, well how about this, he has a 700 AD mind in a 21st century body. Unlike you, Chris, who has a 2 year old mind in a broken down tingle up your leg body. Crissey, I don't believe you really this stupid, but if you are, you should give up your show and stick to killing your liver. 


    "Hey Chris, how do you drive an idiot crazy?"

    "I'll tell you later"

    Glamour Magazine’s ‘Woman of the Year’ Is Rep. Maxine Waters

    Waters is to Glamour as Michael Moore is to 
    Weight Watchers.

    Friday, November 3, 2017

    Good Morning Deploreables

    It is Friday 11/3/2017

    Donna Brazile Tells How They Cheated: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC

    DNC Rigged Primary for Hillary?

    Via Politico:
    Before I called Bernie Sanders, I lit a candle in my living room and put on some gospel music. I wanted to center myself for what I knew would be an emotional phone call.
    I had promised Bernie when I took the helm of the Democratic National Committee after the convention that I would get to the bottom of whether Hillary Clinton’s team had rigged the nomination process, as a cache of emails stolen by Russian hackers and posted online had suggested. I’d had my suspicions from the moment I walked in the door of the DNC a month or so earlier, based on the leaked emails. But who knew if some of them might have been forged? I needed to have solid proof, and so did Bernie.
    So I followed the money. My predecessor, Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, had not been the most active chair in fundraising at a time when President Barack Obama’s neglect had left the party in significant debt. As Hillary’s campaign gained momentum, she resolved the party’s debt and put it on a starvation diet. It had become dependent on her campaign for survival, for which she expected to wield control of its operations.
    Debbie was not a good manager. She hadn’t been very interested in controlling the party—she let Clinton’s headquarters in Brooklyn do as it desired so she didn’t have to inform the party officers how bad the situation was. How much control Brooklyn had and for how long was still something I had been trying to uncover for the last few weeks.
    By September 7, the day I called Bernie, I had found my proof and it broke my heart.

    Thanks for confirming what we already knew Donna, now tell us who put out the hit on Seth Rich? So, Donna was up to her Bra-zille in this. So, all this "confessional" stuff coming from Donna Brazile, the same woman who conspired with CNN to provide debate questions to Hillary prior to the Presidential debates. All she's doing here is trying to make herself look less "bad" than Hillary. And she's not doing a good job of it. Tell us Donna besides the Bernie debates what other presidential debates was Clinton given the questions in advance. That was naughty Donna. And Donna, attempting to establish your credentials as a "good person" by claiming you were listening to gospel music? Really? Do you really think we believe you would have Gospel music playing in your house?  If you did it would be playing backwards. And as for Bernie, I'm sure that new beach house the Clinton's bought for him is working out just fine.

    So Donna, instead of apologizing to President Trump and to real American's who can think for themselves and did with their votes, you are willing to write a tell all book for a price. Your just like Hillary, selling our National Security for a Price, and writing her excuse book of nonsense for the idiots who accept democrat party bullshit, and willing to prove it by lining up so they can be lied to yet again for a price. Your just another crooked lib who covered for Lady Lucifer.

    De Blasio Warns Not To ‘Politicize’ NYC Terror Attack

    Via NY Post:
    Mayor de Blasio urged people – including President Trump – not to “politicize” the terrorist attack that left eight dead in lower Manhattan Tuesday.

    “The last thing the president or anyone else should do is politicize this tragedy. We have to find out what happened here,” de Blasio said Wednesday morning on CNN. “That work’s going to be done by the FBI, by the NYPD and all of our partners to determine exactly who this man is, what moved him to this horrible act, what’s going on? Is there any bigger ramification? That’s what we should be focused on.”
    The mayor warned against “casting aspersion on whole races of people or whole religions or whole nations,” saying it only makes the situation worse. He said “anyone who wants to come to this country should be very thoroughly vetted as an individual.”
    Sources said Sayfullo Saipov, 29, was behind the deadly terror attack and left handwritten notes pledging allegiance to ISIS inside the Home Depot rental truck he used to ram people along a bike lane on the West Side.

    "We have to find out what happened here,” 8 years of it comrade debalsio. That's what happened here. So, because you say we should not talk about it, we don't? Horse shit, the only way to fix this is to talk about it. Hey you stupid communist POS, your policies supported the lottery system that brought this clown here. I thought you are supposed to protect citizens? Guess you're more interested in destroying America than protecting it. If it does n't get politicized, it won't get fixed. Not politicizing is your way of hiding that the problem exists so we can't expose that you created the problem. Nice strategy asshole, but the only one it favors are the democrats in political power, everyone else loses. To politicize this NYC terror attack would reveal the web of deadly deception the left inflicts upon this nation's taxpaying citizens...and the left certainly doesn't wish to have that much daylight shined upon them.These assholes have no shame. It's their being politically correct bullshit that is the problem. If we don't STOP listening to these Leftists bastards, they'll get us all killed. 


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